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Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Catmon, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow, another great mini game. I was in Phreakie's party when I tested this map, and let me say that is was really fun. I didn't score a lot of points, because I was switching controllers back and forth with my brother, but the time I got to play was worth it.

    Very nice job on this map, it has I nice concept and its very original

  2. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I do believe it was I who gave you the name for this map/gametype guys...not vice. ;) :p

    Anywho, I've yet to play with the new hills but even so, it's hell of fun and I'll be sure to get a game on it ASAP. (I'll get back to you and comment more afterwards) kthxbai.
  3. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Oh I know you did, but me and Vice always had an hour long conversation on skype to figure out a name. That's what I meant. Catmon add -Name to vorpal pl0x
  4. KFirejumper

    KFirejumper Ancient
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    seems like a quite original idea and looks like a lot of fun, myself being a forger i am always trying to think of something new soo great job. dont know if purplebunker had any help in the inspiration but this is definately better. also nice job on the interlocking it looks great. 5/5.
  5. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I remember testing this with Deathtoll on Saturday night. It was fun, but overall kind of repetitive, unless you're the BR guy. And it looks like you added some new hills, which we all recommended doing. That should definitely make it have a lot more variety. I especially like the jumping hill :). Also, it was a pain in the ass when you were the BR guy and couldn't see anything, so being on the bottom as BR guy will be fun. I'll give the final version a download. Very fun mini game overall, great job.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    ahhh yes this was such a fun playtest, to bad i had to go :(
    i like the concept and the hill has soe really nice positions. but i dont know why you ddnt go with one of the suggested names?
    oh well names aside it was really good and deserves a spot on my hd.
  7. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    I tested, too! I had the idea with the man cannons left and right of the box!!!11!!!

    Anyways, I always loved the map, It is definitely one of my favorite mini games.

    Michael, (angryface), you did not even send me a message that it was out!

    Gameplay is fair, extreme fun and all in all a perfectly planned game. It is creative, innovative, carnage!


    (seriously feature would be nice)


    By the way... when did you finally finish it?

    EDIT: WTH 15 downloads?! this game is awesome, download it!
  8. aDeAdHeRo875

    aDeAdHeRo875 Ancient
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    I was Lucky enough to somehow enter this room where they were playing this game, i had a blast playing this game and i think the best part of the whole thing is when your the br guy, i just loved killing the other team when they were knocked out of the hill. everyone should dl this and play this game pronto
  9. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    i helped test it when the enemys box was above them but it looks like youve changed it .... Good work im sure it has great gameplay
  10. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This map looks amazing. The gameplay must be amazing according to everyone elses comments. I love the concept of it. Also, how the teamwork factor comes in improves this maps value greatly. I can already tell this is going to get a lot of downloads or it will get featured (probably both). Good job.
  11. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    It's a verse in the song Copacabana, I like to put hidden meanings and tie-ins in all of my writing.
  12. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I dont wanna sound greedy, but why didn't u put me in ur testin list? i was there with you were thinkin about where to change the position of the BR guy, when I got assassinated twice, and everyone screamed thru Proximity Voice to end it.
  13. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    This looks really good. Somewhat like teamwerks arena, but with a twist. Clever. Ill DL soon.
  14. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    not a bad idea but you should really make the guys with the BR is the air so its a easier to kill people who get out of the hill. Otherwise this is a very original map. 4/5
  15. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    A while back, I seem to remember suggesting this to be a KoTH gametype in an idea thread or something to Deathtoll.. whatever. I just played this LAN at my church and I was VERY impressed. It's like you took Pennyless, Teamwerks, Purple Monster, and creativity and squished it into a ball of amazing. My only complaint is the jumping hill. Unless the BR guy is pretty bad, that's the hill where most points are aquired by killing, not by hill points. Whatever, maybe that's what it's intended for. Amazing map, 10/5 minigame.

    Deathtoll77 and idiotninja for Premium!
  16. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    First awwwww thanks <3. Second the jumping hill was made for uncontested points. Though you can get many kill points, the uncontested points almost always overshine them. Because it is in the air no more than two or three people are usually in it at any given time, usually this will net big money. (^_^) Thanks for the review.
  17. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    well i dont know what changes have been made, but i was there when you were testing it and this is a really fun game. I think the BR areas are way better now. I wouldn't be surprised to see it at the next TGIF.
  18. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    The guys with the BR's were originally in the air but they had a bad view.
  19. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    Agreed. The ground floor has a better angle on the field, you don't have to adjust your aim as much, and you can hit a yellow player no matter where they are.
    Under you, even if the floor is a fence wall/box, it's very hard to hit players that are knocked out of the hill.

    The back box provides the best angle while still maintaining symmetry (Better than corner box idea).
  20. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    ok i played a couple of games of this last night, and it was actually pretty fun, i loved it when i was pushed out of the hill, and i was a wildly spinning around and jumping while crouching/uncrouching trying to avoid the br guy,i really liked the heal that if you jump, your not in it, and the jump hills pretty fun. i only had two gripes with this map, if you run up the part of the divide where it's the edge of the fence box, you can run against it and it's pretty hard to hit you with the needler, also a person in the party used an elite character model, and he didn't die once he was so hard to get. So you may want to put that honor rule up
    4 pink porcupines, out of 5

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