Hello Forgehub!.This is my new map that i would like to share.This is my second post. Here's the link to my map:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here's a link to my special Territories varient: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Story: This warehouse code named "Hostility" is used to get men and women ready for battle against the Covenant. Description: This map is an asymmetrical map that is good for 2-8 players.It has its own sniper lift,a sentinel beam room and many other interesting structures.The map took me more than 2 weeks and i had no help what so ever. Gametypes: Team Slayer (4-8)players One Flag (4-6)players FFA (2-5)players Territories(4-8)players Other Fun Gametypes: Team Swat (4-8)players Snipers (3-6)players Weapon List: weapon/amount/clip/spawn time Brs/4/2/20sec AR/1/2/30sec Carbine/2/2/20sec Sniper Rifle/1/1/120sec Shot Gun/1/1/150sec Needler/2/1/60sec Plasma Rifle/2/no/30sec Spikers/2/2/30sec Sentinel Beam/1/no/180sec Smgs/2/2/30secs Equipment: Bubble Shield 60sec Power Drain 90sec Trip mine 60sec Flare 90sec Overshield (place at start no) 180sec Plasma Grenades 4 10sec Frag Grenades 4 10sec Vehicles: Mongoose 90sec Thanks ALOT to: Lord Loss 174(tester), theman6670(tester), and riot1995(for just being there,lol) Action and Regular Picture!!!
Good job interlocking and geo-merging. I like the base shown in the first 2 pics. Also, the center structure looks awesome. I like the design of the map. Well done, mate.
the map looks okay in my opiion, looks sturdy for most gametypes, but the interlocking and geomerging is a bit sloppy, but this is probably your first serious map with using these technigues, so your alright, overall good job, 3/5
nice map nice structure well forged nice geomerging... we need a better way to determine the layout tho... but this is nice and it looks good too 5/5
Nice map. the interlocking is good, however the geomerging is just a tad sloopy. It looks very fun. Good job!
great interlocks and geomerges teh interllocks and geomerges are all very strait and aligned, ver nice looks to support very nice gameplay, this make looks like ninja heavn id geomerge those 2 double boxes, amke it look better
Hey is zackj191, I remember when me and you play tested this with VIP, definatly not set up for that LOL! Sweet map though, everyone should download(I already have it). 9/10
Thanks everyone for your support.If you have any questions just ask me.Thanks for the feedback though
I have to say, this map is very impressive! Your geomerging is fantastic and your interlocking is flawless, you have mastered forge. I just love how clean and neat everything is, it shows that you put a lot of effort into this. Some areas really impressed me such as: the sniper lift and area, the geomerged "sign column", and the central area with the spiker. I am also very impressed with your use of movable objects as cover, they are not only useful but also add to the aesthetics (which are great!) I'm sure the gameplay is fantastic as well, this map looks great for FFA slayer (my favorite =D) I really can't wait to play! This is first on my list of maps to check out when I get my xbox back. Great job, I would rate 5/5 but peeps would get mad, I'll play then rate... AWESOME, Your maps are getting better and better, I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
looks good! it has a really original looking style/structure to it. i do have a question though, is ita symmetric map? other than that you did an awesome job with the geomerging, i saw alot of it on this map. im gonna check it out and get back to you with some feedback.
This is an asymmetrical map, so now you know.Thanks everyone for the comments and the support.My next map hopefully will be posted within 2 weeks from now so watch out for it