Sandbox Hostage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by darkprince909, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    A remake of the fan favorite Prisoner form Halo 1.


    As impressive as Adellys's version of Prisoner was, I was never completely satisfied with how it played compared to the old version (sorry Adellys! still an impressive map though.). It seemed too short and you could grenade jump to higher floors, which was impossible in the original. i realized that a 100% remake of Prisoner was impossible without a budget glitched map, so i decided i would try with one.

    This map actually went through about four different versions before i was finally semi-satisfied with my V1, but that 1 still had a lot of problems because i wasnt careful enough with conserving parts. it was still easily escapable, so i started over form scratch following the layout that V1 had but being more careful how i used the pieces. This map is now 100% inescapable by 1 person and extremely difficult for 2.

    I now present to you.....



    Ooops... thats the wrong picture. Sorry, they look so similar that i get them confused. HERE is Hostage....



    1st floor

    2nd floor

    3rd floor

    4th floor












    Action Shots







    Other Stuff

    This map is , I believe, the closest forged attempt that has been made so far. It plays almost exactly like the original and has its own quirks that set it apart from the original and other forged maps. It has been carefully and meticulously crafted to look and play like the original. It comfortably fits up to 8 people and is set up for slayer and CTF. Infection is also a blast.

    If you like this map, check out some of the others on my fileshare. Theres a couple other H1 remakes and a couple of my own creation, and they are all as high a quality as Hostage

    Anyway, I hope you like the map, and maybe you'll see some of my new maps soon. Right now, I'm working on my first skybubble map. We'll see how it turns out!

    #1 darkprince909, Feb 23, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2010
  2. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ohhhh.... So close to a Perfect Post. You forgot the Download Link. This is like the best Halo Remake Ever. Platforms look very smooth and I love what you did with the Rocket Tower. Very Nice. Gameplay pics look very frantic. I would like to download.
    #2 Devil95, Feb 23, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2010
  3. A Punker

    A Punker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please post a link i wanna see this in gameplay and not screen.

    Based on view alone it's awesome
  4. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    yeah about 2 seconds after i hit the submit button i realized that i forgot the link. i just edited it into the OP about 2 seconds ago. it is now a perfect post
  5. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the idea of remakes. I once semi-succeeded semi-failed in recreating foundation from H2, but this looks clean and inexcapable except for one thing- the arches that float over each other bother me more than anything. If possible, I suggest removing some of the colored columns that look like they are decoration only and fuse in some small stone pillars to solve that annoyance. Other than that, it looks great. If you have budget, I would make the doorways more circular like the original- the side by side doors that are shown in the before and after shot.

    I like it though! I never played H1, so it has no sentimental value though, but I can imagine for those who did this good bring the good times back.
  6. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Kinda cool

    I can tell you put alot of work into this classic map and its very accurate to the original but the "Prism Block" remake of Hostage was definetly tighter and cleaner than this version. Yours is definetly up ther though great job 9/10


  7. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to be a hypocrite here. *GASP*
    I love your remake, I really do. Its a nice prisoner remake. But i have (and here is where the Hypocrisy comes in) moved from supporting full fledged remakes into making spiritual successors.

    Now i know your saying, but Col Keller isn't Longevity a remake? Well yes it is. But i have change my style of thought. Throughout my forging i have come to the conclusion that making the map yours is better than copying from another work. As of right now all my plans for maps are "spiritual successors" to the maps that where in the past. I use elements like, why (in this case prisoner) so re memorable? Well to answer that i dive into the logistics of the map. In Prisoner the map played very well to verticallity, and because of this reason the map succeeded in competitive game play. With Halo CE there was fall damage. This plays into a huge chunk of why verticallity was so crucial to halo CE. High points where great, but don't fall. All little scenarios can't be brought over into halo 3 unfortunately. This is one of the reasons i stopped making remakes. No matter how hard you try you can't get close enough to the original to please everyone. I know that first hand with Longevity, and it haunts me to this day that i cannot recreate the map to 100 % perfection. Every time someone points something out that is wrong, it hurts me because i could not live up to the consumers expectation.

    So what am i getting at with my little speech? well to be honest i think you should have made the design your own. Go ahead and base it off of Prisoner, but make the layout your own, something that you can really be proud of.

    -Col Keller-
    #7 Col Keller, Feb 25, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2010
  8. CA53Y

    CA53Y Forerunner

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    2 word TEAM ROCKETS love this map from halo 1 and me and my friends enjoy playing on this map...

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