I've been ghost merging since it came out and I've always had a problem with walls. All pieces do it but walls are the most noticeable. They seem to move out of place after you ghostmerge them. It creates bumpy gameplay and i dislike it. Is there anyway around it, or is that just a cruel fact of ghost merging?
i have had this problem. it was pretty small scale for me. i got quite pissed about it but i re-did it and they never moved again. depending how big your problem is, i would try redoing it to see if that fixes the problem
This is how halo saves data, when you place it flat down, the game saves it to the nearest vector point, which is not perfectly flat. I suggest putting it in the place you want it, then when it saves it wrong, you can pick that up, save and quit it in some random spot in the air, then ghost merge it again, but brace it on the object you save and quit in the air, so when the game saves your wall to the nearest vector point, it will already be rotated right.
Its been known since Sandbox came out that almost all items when the tear drop is on its side (So left or right instead of up or down) the object will tilt roughly 2 degrees in either way. And it just so happens that walls seem to be the most noticeable and leave bumps if you are using them for walking area. The only thing you can do is to when you are pre bracing you can account for the 2 degree tilt already and hope that when you save and quit it will tilt the other way 2 degrees so it comes out flat But other than that you can't really do much about it.
Rather than hoping, you can make it rotate the 2 degrees the way you want (50-50 chance it goes the way you want), then use that one to brace the one that goes in for realz.
Yeah thats what I meant I just couldn't put it into words...but either way its not consistent so your going to have to keep trying until it comes out the way you want...I hope reach fixes this problem
The key is to just make a template for pre-bracing that is already rotated the way you need it to be. It won't rotate if its not flat to begin with.