The sign has appeared in the sky The world is ending Time to die This is the infection map I am working on at the moment and the map that I hope to enter into the Bungie Forgetacular contest. It is only a little more than half complete since I haven't put in the humans main defensive base yet but I wanted to go ahead and get some feedback, suggestions, etc. This is my first attempt at making an infection map so it wouldn't surprise me if I screwed up somewhere. This map's main feature is a giant skull floating in the sky that serves as the zombies' spawn. [FONT="] [/FONT] In the mouth [FONT="] The grav lifts go up to the eyes [/FONT][FONT="] The zombies can drop from the mouth onto the wall around the courtyard. There is a soft safe zone around it so players can run out of bounds for a short while if they wanted to (bounds are marked by the large walkways) [/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]The two little bunkers in the courtyard [/FONT][FONT="] Or zombies can jump out of the eyes and evade off the ramps from pillar to pillar [/FONT][FONT="] There is also a machine gun turret looking over the yard [/FONT][FONT="] And here's an overview of what I have so far [/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="] So I'd like to hear what you guys think makes a great infection map. The skull gives the map a good aesthetic appeal, but I know the gameplay has to be equally as good if not better. The skull put a considerable restriction on what materials I have left but I think I should have enough to make a good place for the humans to fall back to when the zombies start outnumbering them. Anyway, I'm open to all ideas so fire away. [/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT]