Is it possible? I want to make a Cops and Robbers map but I need the cops to want to take the robbers to prison and the robbers to not want to die. ATM the cops and the robbers don't have an objective. If you have any ideas please post. I have a good idea. Could a Mod please lock this
Cell block form the featured maps.You might remember it from bungie favorites. Yes its very possible.Play around with sealed rooms and such on foundry
Try allowing the robbers to jump high so they could reach there cells. You could make the cops have no ups at all so they can't get into the cells. This will ensure the cops don't kill the robbers forno reason. Just a suggestion. I thought of it just now.
i saw a map made for this, i will explain:the cop must reound up all robbers to the jail, and if he just kills them, the lastman has the ability to kill the cop
I would jsut like to point out my general experienc with cops N robbers is the only fun to be had is completely breaking the rules and laughing at the 9 year olds that go nuts....cell block 4b was only good becuase it was ctf at heart