Homeland is my first map ever (besides a soccer map, but I just did what Bungie did) and I hope you like it. Its a 100% symmetrical map made for Team Slayer, Warfare, Terrorism, & Free Country (Game Variants I made) You start at either side in the back of the map (default starting point) and each team has two bases. There is also a pyramid like structure in the center where most of the battle will be waged. It has 4 different levels the top two unaccessible at the beginning of the game. Oh, and you dont need to worry about snipers.......until 3 minutes into the game when the become accessible. The bottom level, with three entrances, contains the camo, (although it doesnt spawn until a minute in) the Energy Sword, the Regenerator, the Power Drainer, and various weapons including the brute shot and mauler. (that probably got people interested) The two bases that are accessible in the beginning of the match contain each a mongoose, tripmine, a pair of grenades and a few weapons including a non-respawning rocket launcher, with a two way node transporting directly to the other teams base. The Pyramid in the center, with two warthogs at the far corners from where you spawn, Overshield on the second level with Active Camo directly beneath it. The third floor is accessible a minute and a half into the game when two grav lifts spawn on each side next to the warthogs. On that level is the Spartan laser at the back, and a shotgun and tripmine sitting opposite it. Hurry up and grab the laser though, because 3 minutes in, a grav lift and wall keep you from getting it, but they give you access to the top and final floor...where everyone dreams to go. This is the Sniper spawn, aswell as a turret and another Rocket Launcher.... Front view Side views ....Dont worry though, that person wont over power the map, simply go into the now accessible (by mancannon) floating bases, which contain each a turret, two BR's, and another Sniper to counter the center one, but watch out, there are fusion coils scattered around you. Thank you, and that is my Homeland map! Warfare - Ctf Variant: Half of each team spawn at each of their bases (i.e. 6v6 = 3 at ground base, 3 at floating base for each team) but the floating base is off limits now, where the flag capture is, so no one can score until the man cannons spawn, 3 minutes in. The flag spawns in the ground bases of each team, and the flag carrier gets 150% speed. Seems unfair? Guess again, when you die while your flag is away, you spawn in your opponents floating base (where they need to score) so its even. Terrorism - Territories Variant: Each team spawns in the default place and there are 7 territories, one in each ground base, floating base, another where Camo spawns, aswell as Overshield. And the final Territory is on the 4th floor where the sniper spawns. Sounds like normal Territories? Wrong. Four 6 minute round where if you capture a territory, its not yours. 20 seconds to capture a Territory, but the other team can steal it from you. You can capture the other teams Territory, but you probably wont win. If you are trying to capture an opponents territory and they're protecting it, they have 2x damage resistance and 125% speed. All hope is not lost, When you're capturing an opponents Territory you have 150% speed. Not a big help, but it does one thing, lets you escape. Free Country - KoTH Variant: Team KoTH with default spawns and hills where the Camo spawns, Overshield spawns, Sniper tunnel, and each of the four bases. 250 points to win, but don't worry Each second your in the hill you get one point, and five points if its uncontested, but thats not all, its 5 points a kill, so try to stay alive. Thanks and I hope you like it.
Re: My first map-Homeland Good job creating a map for multiple purposes. But the screenshot's show a thrown together base, all on it's side. Clean it up a little to get some DL's.
Re: My first map-Homeland Thanks for the advice, But I tried to keep it as neat as I could but just one mess-up and it screws up the entire structure and it definitely wasnt just thrown together. This is my first though... But I'll keep that in mind for my next map.
Re: My first map-Homeland I think you put the timed events concept to very good use. I like how u only have a certain time period when u can access the splazer.
Re: My first map-Homeland Alright. It's a good idea, but I've got some things to say about it. - One huge base is a tad boring. Add some more side tunnels or other bases. - Oh my god there's like a million shield doors. Tone that down a bit. - The mongoose banks on the side are okay, but a bit of a pain to get out. Also, the teleporters on each one (leading to the other one) make it a bit hard for team games (there should be 2 bases for team games). - I spawned inside that area that was blocked off. You might wanna fix that. Also, your spawn and weapon/grenade placement could use some work.
Re: My first map-Homeland Thanks, but dont lie, its a horrible idea. - Next time, I'll make sure not have just one big structure, I'll try to split it up, but this one does have 4 levels, varying where and how the battles happen. - There are alot of shield doors, I agree, but not too many, I bet you would rather hide behind some cover than get owned each time you enter the structure, it keeps the play going. And the warthogs/mongeese can drive up the ramp, the shield doors prevent them from disrupting gameplay. - I wouldnt understand why the mongoose is hard to get out since there is a door way directly infront of where it spawns that you can simply drive through. And there are two bases, the teleporter is just a simple way to traverse the map. - I fixed it so you dont spawn in there, the only reason you would spawn is there would be in forge. Yes, my spawn placement is horrible, and my grenades...ICK. I will work on those, keep in mind this is my 1st map, and I will fix this next time.
Re: My first map-Homeland Alright. And really, it's not a bad map. I've definitely seen some worse first attempts.
Re: My first map-Homeland Thanks, but I'll try to make my next one better, have no clue what to make though....
Re: My first map-Homeland my advice would be to test any map at least 2 or 3 times with friends and get some constructive feedback. dont tell them anything about the map just have them go at it. see where people tend to end up, any weird spawn points showing up? notice weapon respawns and such. also it helps with pics because action shots are cool.
Re: My first map-Homeland Sorry, My next map will be better, and definitely tested. But no one ever wants to test it.