Foundry HomeLand Mayhem

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Abutt, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Abutt

    Abutt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Title: HomeLand Mayhem
    Infection: Start in base. Stay alive for 90 seconds to gain acces to floor 2. 90 more seconds for floor 3. There is your last stand.

    Download Map

    Pics of the Structure



    The non infected start on the lower floor of the structure.
    they must survive for 90 seconds on the lower floor until a staircase appears so they can move on to the second floor.

    Pics of lower floor (the stair case in two of them is the one that appears.)





    Same theme here, survive 90 seconds on the second floor and canon man will appear that will boost you into a portal which will take you to 1 of 6 receivers on the top floor. (that way there is no camping receiver.)

    Second Floor pics


    Here is the top floor, and your last stand



    Zombie Spawn point... nothing special here

    Here is a mini fort a guess... not really used unless playing slayer but if you are then there is a sniper and shotgun in there

    Download, Rate, Write Comment, Enjoy
    #1 Abutt, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  2. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    very intersting map. is there any pictures for where the zombies respwn? i wouldnt mind seeing that area. For the base, its really nice, for the last picture, is the recivers just for scenery or is it actually the reciever? because thats a alot of areas to get into the base. over all i thikn the map is decent, alot of wepons to use.
  3. Abutt

    Abutt Ancient
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    sure i can post i picture of where the zombies spawn but there is nothing special about it just an open area.

    For your question about the the receivers
    "Same theme here, survive 90 seconds on the second floor and canon man will appear that will boost you into a portal which will take you to 1 of 6 receivers on the top floor. (that way there is no camping receiver.)"

    no problem its hard to see that.... right between the pics of the first floor and the Second floor.
    #3 Abutt, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  4. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    kk it looks a little faulty... like your forging, but I guess that u put it for gameplay > aesthetics because it looks sloppy. 4/5
  5. Abutt

    Abutt Ancient
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    Spawns Broken Will be fixed

    The spawns are broken ill fix it by tommarow.
  6. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Yes, the aesthetics need to be improved. With Foundry maps these days, its hard to make something that is considereed "aesthetically pleasing", but that's where you have to work, because I don't think many people will play thiis map when glancing at the first pic. However, I do like the weapon placement and I think slayer could work well here.

    Also, I think you should put something over there by that "mini-fort", as you called it in the second pic from the bottom. It makes the overall map look too plain. And if you're going to be leaving the gigantic fort there should be some sort of cover out there.
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Wide open zombie spawn area has me worried, especially with that MG turret over there.
    I'm also not that fond of the sniper rifle area. Looks like a wide open view to spawn kill zombies.

    Forging doesn't look that clean, either. Not necessarily merging, but at least place the pieces a little better. The pieces on Foundry are very flat and even, unlike Sandbox... so there should be little to no gaps on a well forged map.

    Unfortunately for you, Foundry is so overused by now that your map suffers by comparison to many of the other similar maps out there. It will be very difficult for people to make something impressive on Foundry nowadays. Not saying it's impossible to make a decent map, this just doesn't have that "wow" factor.
  8. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Looks like a solid zombie map, the only thing I dislike about it is the armory thing. Where all the weapons are located in that one area. The zombie spawn can also use some work, because the humans could probably spawn kill them.

    I like the idea of the timed staircases to get to the next levels though.

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