Race Holy Waters

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by TheRedEyedDevil, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. TheRedEyedDevil

    TheRedEyedDevil Forerunner

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    This is a christian themed map which features landmarks (in this case) as the Ark, the holy grail, and the cross. Holy Waters is a double wide track inside the biggest Island. I've been working on this map off and on for a month or so and I am very impressed with how it turned out. I hope you guys enjoy it as well. This racetrack is Racetracks compatible up to 16 players.

    What inspired me to build this type of map?
    Honestly, when I started this map I was trying to co-forge a whole different map with a friend, but I kept getting other ideas that weren't fit for the map my friend wanted to do, so I quit and started doing my own. I saw that the inside of the Island looked really cool on the inside instead of the outside, so I decided to do a race map.

    What was the hardest part?
    There were many difficult parts when building this map that I encountered, that's apart of why it took me so long to finish it. For instance, I rebuild several parts of the track dozens of times to get the look I wanted from above. Other issues I had was lining up the start line with the finish, probably the hardest finishing lap I have have ever made. It really took a lot of tweaking to get it right, (the checkpoint works 90% of the time without flipping on the way down if you ride along the dominion shields along the way). Other challenges I faced was building the holy grail and trying to make it recognizable (I did my best). Another thing was that was troublesome was the budget, at first I had 3000 left after I finished the track, from there on it got to zero really fast. I always try my best to make the track un-cheatable; so I did what I could with rails to block from crossing over the track, and I left the rest to kill barriers.

    Difficulty Easy


    The Ark
    Holy Grail
    The Cross

    #1 TheRedEyedDevil, Jun 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2013

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