how about this: put a few stars on the front, scattered about on the backside, near the top put in the quote still in the backside, put the nooses on a low opacity so their kinda blended in to the black background, have it very dark on the backside
Well guys... thanks for the ideas... I'll see what works. And to everyone: Nooses are a very good symbol. You may not think about it, but the book talks about several occasions where people were hung. The symbol of 3 nooses is on the cover of the actual book, so I put it on the moon. It works... if youv'e read the books, you would know. I'll see what else I can do...
the nooses would work, just not in the way u had them, maybe a little more like the actual book cover, the small edition, not the big one, where it looks a little cartoony, just like the black and whiteness of it
Yes, I know. I am more worried about the main aspect of the project right now, the songs. I will make these changes once all my songs/ paragraphs are written up...
8. We don't need to write songs, we need to find songs that would fit with a movie adaptation of the novel... It's actually surprisingly easy.