Hollow Ground V.2

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Zoolader m83, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. Zoolader m83

    Zoolader m83 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is a REimagination of the Halo 3 map, High Ground. The general design is mostly copied from the base area in Halo 3, everything behind the gates aswell as the bunker. I started on this project as soon as Reach was released, so many many hours were spent creating this map (Over 100hrs). I forged this map in Halo 3 for custom games and it was second only to Guardian, which is why I was inspired to create this small FFA style map. BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE VIDEO AND PICTURES! Quicklink to Rendered Video

    Human Weapons

    2x DMR
    1x Grenade launcher
    1x Sniper
    1x Rocket (2 shots)
    1x Turret
    6x Frags

    Covenant Weapons

    1x Spiker
    2x Needle Rifle
    1x Needler
    1x Energy Sword
    1x Plasma Pistol
    1x plasma repeater
    4x plasma grenades


    1x hidden Mongoose
    1x Ghost

    Additionally there are 2 Health Packs.

    ---***Now for the pictures and rendered video.***---


















    Rendered HD video is here

    Don't forget to download

    This is version 2 of Hollow Ground, and my first Reach forge release. Critical criticism is needed, aswell and anybody interested in doing more playtests. Thank You and Enjoy!
    #1 Zoolader m83, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  2. i eat clowns

    i eat clowns Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    this map is cool, i alwys liked making slayer maps but couldn't make onr thats not symetrical, looks great, i shall learn from u!
  3. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like maps like this, where someone takes the parts they enjoy from an established map and just run with it. The map looks nice, I can tell you chose all you pieces carefully so that nothing would look ugly. I especially like that little mossy area you have inside sniper tower. Clever stuff.

    The actual changes you made to high ground, the mancannons mostly, really suit the map now that it's more of an arena. I think having that quick route out of the center should serve the map well.

    Really clean well built map, looking forward to playing it with friends.
  4. MaxedOut522

    MaxedOut522 Forerunner

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    This map is absolutely amazing. I hadn't read the description but after a while I realized you had remade High Ground and you've done a hell of a job man. This map is flawless. It's exactly what I've been looking for as a small ffa slayer map. Good job dude, I hope you make more maps.

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