Hollow Crown

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by LD, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Hollow Crown
    by LD

    special thanks to Chron and Longshot ♥


    Hollow Crown is a symetrical 2v2 Team Slayer Map, located ForgeWorlds Canyon. Originally HC was supposed to be a submission for the 2v2 Throwdown Contest, but I missed the deadline by only two days, so I made some tiny changes to make HC a "normal" 2v2 Slayer Map.
    Hollow Crowns unique location offers some great natural aethetics, in combination with the rotund architecture HC appears to be some kind of medieval forerunner structure thing. HCs layout is pretty basic and easy to understand, there is a outer half circle that surrounds a enclosed room. The upper floor of the two-storied structure is easily reachable by three round ramps from the outer circle and by a regular ramps and two ladders (that I stole from Spawn of Saltine, but I won't give any credit to him because he is trying to have a hoter girl in his avatar than I do in mine).
    There are two power weapons on Hollow Crown, a Sniper and a Rocket Launcher. You may think that both of them don't work on such a small map, but please play HC before you judge it, the weapons work great and it is very hard for a team to have complete domination even if they control both power weapons.
    The map is only playable with Slayer and it was made for 2v2 Team Slayer, Team Slayer Pro works best.

    I'd like to thank the Testers Guild again, Chron and Longshot provided me with excellent feedback when I had a hard time to test my map due to problems with my XBox. You guys sacrificed your free time to review my map and I really appreciate that, thank you very much ♥
    You can find the Hollow Crown feedback here










    #1 LD, Apr 23, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2011
  2. NBEOne

    NBEOne Forerunner

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    I am unclear of what the map is so i suggest you include that in your description.
  3. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
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    This map looks great, great structure and I love your curved entrances, and I like how you can go under parts of the map. I think that you should add some lights for effect and to brighten the place up. Other than that the map looks great.
  4. Matty the IV

    Matty the IV Forerunner

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    Unfortunately, lights are one of the biggest causes of framerate lag on forge so it would ruin gameplay aspects.

    LD, i have played the map with 3 friends and we had no problems with the map and we all really enjoyed playing the map.

    Again nice job
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    I like this and it looks really good and well forged. I like the curves used in different parts of the map. The curved bridge made from 2x1s looks great and the snap is perfect. Nice variation of nice aesthetic structures and natural land and rocks. A great mix. The corridors made with railings looks great and the effect it gives from the measured distance apart gives a nice effect.
    I like that it is small for 2 v 2. I am always looking for good small maps for my vast collection and this will take pride of place. Great work!
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I went into forge with a few friends to check this out. First let me say that the curved walkways were forged so perfectly forged that I for a second didn't realize there was more than one block put into it. Second, this map is somewhat reminiscent of Dreamcatcher with the open roof and grassy natural enviornment areas. It seemed like a pretty small map, which is not bad. I like to forge smaller type maps. Anyways, I really loved the layout, but wasn't too fond of the fact that you used a grid. Even though you used it well, I think you could have done without it. Great work once again.
  7. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
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    I loved it! I have been lately forging the "perfect map" that includes cleanly forged walkways, has great aesthetics, and has a good weapon layout, but I feel this map was just like the map I imagined! It's like a dream map (not to be awkward, but this map is really awesome)! Okay, I'm fine with anyone using a grid if it makes everything easier, as I know times when I've run out of items and the grid seems to be sitting on my item list, just waiting to be used, but I thought at the beginning of the thread when I first looked at it that the grids were just windows.

    Back to the map itself: I agree with eight8ball! The curved ramps look so smooth that it does indeed look like a regular forging object! Also, I like the resting area of the rocket launcher. I like how you used the struts to create a sort of curve around the back of the launcher to make it more "revealed" to the rest of the players on the map. Awesome job!
  8. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    holy halabid! This map is godly!
    I never really expected this to be released to the public truthfully...Thought it would be forever lost with the harddrive with only memories of hard work, sweat, blood, and some language of competitive play :) I just want to let you know that I still have this on my HDD and, as you know, was a huge inspiration to me, and i truly thank you my friend.

    Anywhos, I really like this map. It holds great aesthetics and game play. The power weapons work really well, and are easy to take down if you do it right. I really don't have a whole lot to say. People have already talked about your forging, and I said some stuff in the TG thread. I'll give this a re-download cause' it might be different than the one i have...I don't know. Also, want to play some games on Reach sometimes? *hint hint* GT is iTzz Longshot
  9. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
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    LD Amazing work! looks like eyecandy! LOVE 2v2 maps too! Great job LD :D
  10. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Some people say that aesthetics aren't important on a map. I think this will be my argument against them from now on. The design on this map is amazing, but it is used right, and it al fits together cleanly while even affecting gameplay. The arches fit perfectly together, and the strut walls are amazing. I have yet to play it, but by looks this is most definitely feature-worthy.
  11. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I was wondering when this map was going to be released. Like Longshot, I also thought that it would never be posted because it didn't meet the deadline for the competition. It's good to finally see it posted in the forums.

    This map was certainly a pleasure to test. Not only was the gameplay great, this map is also one of the most beautiful maps that I've seen to date. I never ended up deleting this map off of my fileshare so I'll definitely be giving this a download in case some changes have been made.
  12. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    finally released :)
    Saw this map for a long time and now I can go and click the sweet "download" button :D
    I'm gonna get myself in forge later and if the map's good (what it definitely looks like :D) I'm gonna write you here again what I liked or what I didn't^^
  13. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the awesome feedback guys, I love to hear that you guys enjoy my work, I never thought that that many people like it, I thought the design would be way to simple xD

    Read the description and you'll find "Hollow Crown is a symetrical 2v2 Team Slayer Map" "a "normal" 2v2 Slayer Map" "The map is only playable with Slayer and it was made for 2v2 Team Slayer, Team Slayer Pro works best." ;)

    Is it really that dark? It may vary from screen to screen, but the lightning on my screen looks perfectly fine. I'd love to add some lights, but like Matty said, Lights cause framerate issues and I doubt that Hollow Crown could take that. I already used a lot of Railings with lights, whenyou play HC in Slitscreen and all the actions happenes in one spot Reach already suffers a little bit =(

    I used Glass in the earlier versions, but somehow that looked boring and I was afraid that that could lead to framerate issues, since the light of the railings reflected on the glass. A regular wall was out of question, so the grid was my only choice and I love it, the distance between the railings is large enough to hide the "thicker" parts of the grid and I always like to use objects differently than other people do.
  14. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    Aesthetics are very important on a map. It's what sets your map apart from all the rest. What you have managed to do is construct a map that sets a landmark in the uniqueness of forge and clearly has had a lot of work put into it. Fantastic job. Congrats on the FHF, a well-deserved achievement.
  15. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    Like a few people already stated aesthetics are important and they make a map stand out and make it unique. What I really enjoy about this map is that the aesthetics are the playable areas and not off in the distance. Every part of the map looks good not just a few pieces to add aesthetic appeal.
  16. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Played a fantastic 2v2 with Eightball and Rho. The game ended 24-25, with several fantastic plays, like how Rho got a 2 for 1 snipe to save my life, and my epic magnum double kills. Other than a couple spawning flukes, everything went swimmingly. I'm impressed that you got the spawns working so well on such a small map, to be honest. This is definitely a keeper, nice job you sexy and crazy german!
  17. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    This map does look very unique, interested in finding out what the Review Hub gives you for the map.
  18. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Hollow Crown


    (Written by Virus10110)

    Hollow Crown proudly elicits some admirable feelings towards the predominantly smooth gameplay matched only by its pleasing, as well as trim, aesthetics. Player enjoyment strictly depends on the player's gaming preference. For the most part, the map appeals to players’ competitive appetites. Of course that does not necessarily mean that the more casual gamers will be dissatisfied by the way in which the flow of the map is presented. The map, as a whole, displays not only frequent player movement throughout but also fair vantage points that allow for more consistent matches.

    Barely any space within the map goes without use. Major locations, such as the curved structures near the spawn or the wooded area surrounding the play-area, see more action than the less populated locations. These locations include the center area of the map, which rarely sees gameplay other than travel between beneficial points from which to attack from. Any player who ends up trapped in middle section by the opposing team is usually slaughtered due to the high ground advantage. The lack of cover in heavily trafficked areas deterred greatly from camping and required constant alertness from all players.

    Hollow Crown was built for two-vs-two matches and in that regard the map performs very well. Good teamwork is a must for a team to dominate, if not then gameplay will slow down as opposing teams slowly rack up the kills. Flanking routes and long-range weaponry are the focus of the map’s design.

    The only health pack is located at one of the least defensible positions within the play area, on the floor in the central ring of the play space. This is definitely a stipulation for continuous sprees. Perhaps a health pack by each starting spawn could have alleviated some of this problem.

    The ladders on either side leading up to the ledges proved to be quite useless due to their lack or reliability. The predictable result of this is the opposing players running underneath the curved ledge, not seeing the ladder and instead going around to come up the ramp.

    All in all, Hollow Crown creates a pleasant blend of simple yet clean aesthetics and fast paced gameplay. It also adds smooth flow throughout but bestows a severe advantage to whoever controls the power weapons.



    Hollow crown is a symmetrical, small, two-vs-two map. As such, balance is essential to gameplay or else one team would have an unfair advantage over another. The map gives no unfair height advantages to either side and all weapons are about the same distance away from each starting spawn. The map balance does not compensate for the weapon imbalance unfortunately.

    The rocket launcher on this map is the clear dominant weapon. Whether a player is skilled or not the rocket launcher is just too powerful a weapon in such a cramped space. It is common in two-vs-two matches for teammates to travel close to each other to better take out the opposing team. This means double kills will be a common occurrence for the player who possesses the rocket launcher. In a close to mid-range map such as this, a shotgun or a sword would have been a much more balanced power weapon.

    There being only a single health pack also influences map balance. If a team controls the central ring they will not only have access to the rocket launcher for most of the game but they will control the only health pack.



    Hollow Crown opts for the open sky approach. Walls on one side of the play space and rocks on the other side enclose the map. Soft kill barriers placed on top of walls and rocks encircling the map prevent players from trying to get out of the map. The map does not lag and the gameplay works as expected.

    Players that utilize the jetpack armor ability can, unfortunately, break the map. There is a small gap, between the colored strut pieces and the inner circle of the central structure that jetpacked player could get into. Why a player would want to go into such a location is questionable, but the statement is made.

    A larger problem is that players with a jetpack can actually get to the top of the central structure without worrying about the kill barriers. The soft-kill barriers only stop players from trying to camp on top of the structures. If a jetpacked player goes even further up to the top two structures, the kill barriers disappear. At these vantage points, players can rain death upon the opposing team and see the parts of the map the creator did not intend to be seen.

    These issues only impact the game if jetpacks are enabled and there would not be much reason to break the map for slayer purposes but otherwise the map boundaries are well protected.



    Hollow Crown certainly has a clear aesthetic theme. This theme is what makes the map unique and makes playing within it enjoyable. The central theme for Hollow Crown appears to be curves. The central spawn areas face a curved ramp leading to a circular structure. This circular structure is the key aesthetic highlight of the map. It is what draws the players in and makes the players understand that it is the central area of the map. This central area houses the rocket launcher that makes its presence known by sitting in a colorful circular indentation.

    The other major aesthetic theme of the map is nature. The map has no roof and rocks enclose half of the map. A few trees even dot the play-space acting as both cover and eye appealing scenery.

    The simple architectural aesthetic of curves makes this map unique and pleasant to look at. The natural elements within the play space vary the map’s design so players will not think they are within a Forerunner, grey, structure.



    The key aesthetic feel of Hollow Crown makes the map a unique play space. However, the aesthetic feel is not novel to the map creator. The creator has made other maps with similar, wavy aesthetic looks before. This is no denouncement of this map and it certainly looks different from most other maps, it is just not brand new.

    A grid piece is used as windows with columns blocking the grid lines to give a nice, shiny, look to the windows. Block pieces are placed so they make a curved ramp which looks spectacular to view. Capture plates try to draw attention to the ladders in the central structure and while they look nice, they unfortunately do not draw enough attention to the fact that they are ladders.

    Gameplay wise players should not expect anything new. The map was built for two-vs-two matches and that is what the map caters best to.


    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 8 x 3.0 = 24 out of 30
    Balance: 7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    Durability: 5 x 1.5 = 7.5 out of 15
    Aesthetic : 10 x 1.5 = 15 out of 15
    Originality: 6 x 1.0 = 6 out of 10

    Final Score


    Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings
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    Review Hub Community Feedback
    #18 PacMonster1, May 22, 2011
    Last edited: May 22, 2011
  19. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I downloaded this map about 2 weeks ago, but forgot that I had until today, so I gave it a go and me likey. It is a very visually appealing map, as all the curved areas are a welcome change of pace from the usual straight edged walls and floors youre used to seeing on maps. I like the use of colours as well, and the incorporation of the rock wall and trees into the aesthetics were very well done, distracting from the greyness of some places.

    I know this map was made for 2v2, but I would have liked to have seen it expanded into a larger play area, as it has great potential for larger populations. Regardless of this, I love it, and will definitely have some games with my friends. Youve definitely given me some things to think about when forging next. Excellent job.
  20. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Why is this thread pinned? I have never seen a map thread pinned before. I think the map looks nice, but I don't get the pin. Any insight anyone?

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