List: Dragon Sword [440 Stainless Steel - 30 Inch Blade] Spoiler 1600 - 4000 Microsoft Points 2 - 3 Pairs of Shoes Some T-Shirts, Sweaters, and Jackets. Some new Skinny Jeans. iPhone 4 Trifang Shawlong Sword [Stainless Steel - 32 Inch Blade] Spoiler Kinect [I already have the Slim, just need the Kinect] Also a 50 + Inch T.V. for my game room. Realistically Speaking: Dragon Sword [440 Stainless Steel - 30 Inch Blade] 1600 Microsoft Points Clothes [Includes: Skinny Jeans - Shirts, Sweaters, and Jackets - Shoes] Almost forgot, Xbox Live 12 Month Renewal Card. Hopefully, Kinect or the iPhone 4, which both I really want. And that about sums it up.
-climbing rope -decent comp headset -new ski gloves ...that's pretty much it really, I already bought myself a Hauppauge HD PVR which is arriving in the mail tomorrow so I don't need anything else this holiday nor do I really want anything else. EDIT: -chalk
AC:Brotherhood Goldeneye 007 w/Golden Controller Happauge! HD PVR New Monitor (It comes with the 3D Vision Kit ) And I think that's it... I'd LIKE an i7, but I'd have no idea how to change out my Processors and such.
A Laptop Halo Figures Electric Guitar Halo 2 Vista (if i get the laptop) a mouse Thats all really, maybe ill get some today/tommarow.
Unrealistically: Spoiler SPLITREASON.COM :: I Hear Idiots t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Beat-down t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: I Shotgun n00bs t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Beware of Lasers t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Left the house t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: From the Grave t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Lancer Logging t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Mt. Gamemore t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Money Power Woman t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Rick Roll t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Chain of Events t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Doin it wrong t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Geeks are Sexy - Force Be With You t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Ganking t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: GB - Glove Holster t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: GB - Bullet William t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Gaming Lifestyle t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: Major Ownage t-shirt SPLITREASON.COM :: GB - Home Sweet Taun Taun t-shirt All of those, kinect, Rockband 3, New Blackberry, New Flip HD, External HDD Realistically: kinect, Blackberry 2-3 shirts.
I did get: Laptop Electric Guitar Halo Figures Halo Hat -.- Halo: the flood re-release some chocalate Thats all.
Wife got me: Pillow Pet, Sweater Mother got me: $60, iPod dock, Turtle Beach headphones Grandma got me: Cuponk, $10 McDonald Giftcard Father got me: $50