Wow. That is so... damn... tempting... Yeah, I'm concerned about that too. Right now I'm taking some measures to optimize the center as much as possible - it may end up slightly less pretty (I think I have to lose those 45 degree corner pieces) but it will be for the best, performance-wise. I haven't noticed any issues with the round platforms, thankfully. Thank you. It's definitely going to at least get to the testing phase - I've already done everything except setting up spawn points and gametypes.
I decided to name it Eminent Aperture. So basically, Glory Hole it is! Also, the map continues to be revised (some parts look fairly different from the screenshots - I'll update this thread later), and will undergo its first test tomorrow night during the weekly TCOJ lobby.
This is looking amazing. Lots of great features and aesthetics. The rocks along bottom look realistic and really well forged. The guardian style round part also looks great. And the round room with tunnels around look really well structured. Looks to have a great asymmetric lay out. Looking forward to playing on this.
I'm assuming you care about framerate. The middle will drop a lot of frames because of the bridge diag, small x4 and the corner 45 x8. both of those objects have lights and transparent glass.