hoLe down v2.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Zowabashi, Jun 22, 2008.


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  1. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The font for the name says that this map is fun and serious!
    Fight in the hole, or fight around it!
    Created by Zowabashi


    hoLe down is a rather large, closed off map created on Foundry. It includes working doors, a battle rifle perch (assymmetric only), and support for Team KOTH, FFA Slayer, Oddball, Team Slayer, One Bomb Assault, and One Flag CTF. It is designed for mostly assymetric games of those gametypes (one bomb, and one flag), but it will work on symmetrical also. The best gametypes to play on this map are ffa slayer, team slayer, and Oddball! The best gametype to play on this map is 1v1 ffa slayer! The map is almost an arena, but with two levels, one centered around the other. Players can use the doors. They are operated by a custom powerup-resistance switch. The mechanism is very compact and simple, making it perfect for a map. Players start out on opposite sides of the map, next to the doors.

    Defender team spawn

    Attacker team spawn

    Because the doors only work one way, there are two gravity lifts on the Defender team side. The positioning of the gravity lifts was intentional (even though it's a symmetrical map, they are both on one side). It allows for the different gametype support to work correctly in assymmetric games. This is shown in the hoLe overview

    The hole is the center of the map. It actually is not a very large part of it when viewed from a distance, but unlike the side walkways, it is a very open space. It is uncampable, and the location of the two brute shots and the energy sword (more than one can spawn on the map, preventing one person or team from being owned by the other).

    The hoLe overview

    The side walkways, upon request of those who viewed the prototype of the map, now have cover. They are also uncampable, but that is because of the cover. The doors in the spawn areas are used to get in, but from the defender side, it is just as easy when you use the gaps in the walls to go through where the gravity lifts are.

    These are the pictures that might confuse you!

    The left walkway viewed from the attacker side

    The right walkway viewed from the defender side. (Same walkway as the one above.)

    The right walkway viewed from the attacker side.

    The left walkway viewed from the defender side. (Same walkway as the one above.)

    And last, but not least, the Battle Rifle Perch. While playing assymetric team games (the ones recommended for this map besides Slayer and Team Slayer), it will spawn, allowing the defenders to more closely guard their flag, bomb plant, (etc.). The battle rifle perch is not a floating perch, but rather part of the the boundaries of the map itself. Walk up the bridge, grab the battle rifle, and protect!

    Inside view of the battle rifle perch

    Outside view of the battle rifle perch

    The view of the battle rifle perch user

    Weapons and Equipment:
    Weapon Layout On Map
    From the weapons description below, you can see that the battle rifle is the most common weapon to be found on the map. The other weapons are in smaller quantities, and have longer respawn times.

    Brute Shot X2 (1 minute respawn, 2 maximum)
    Battle Rifle X5 (10 second respawn, 8 maximum)
    Energy Sword X1 (2 minute respawn, 2 maximum)
    Needeler X2 (1 minute respawn, 4 maximum)
    Shotgun X2 (1 minute respawn, 4 maximum)
    Custom Powerup X2 (Door Triggers, no traits recommended!)

    Game variants:
    · In the Hole (Team Slayer with no custom power up traits, 150% gravity, and 15 minute time limit)
    Team KOTH: 4-6 players
    Assault: 4-6 players
    CTF: 4-6 players
    Team Slayer: 4-8 players
    FFA Slayer: 2-4 players
    Oddball: 2 Players

    V1/V2.1 comparison:
    Please compare the versions to each other, and tell me if you think anything else should have been improved.
    V1 Thread

    Download hoLe down
    Download In the Hole

    If you have any suggestions on how to improve this map or thread (like not using green because it's a gay color [don't say that, because I like green--Not GAY, But still not a ****-phobe]), please post them here and pm them to me. Thankyou

    This map has been tested on FFA Slayer, Oddball, and Team Slayer only. Other gametypes may not work, but they are setup!


    Quotes about the map:
    #1 Zowabashi, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  2. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map!! Will download. I like how you put the weapon pictures and all.
  3. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man.
  4. ICanHazH34DSH0T

    ICanHazH34DSH0T Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is definitely better than V1. It has better cover and looks nicer. Good job.
  5. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, I just did a quick run-through of the map, and I noticed a couple of things that irked me. The first thing was every window panel you have for cover is crooked, if you look at it straight forward it lists to your left. Also, on the left and right walkways it looks like you used too much cover. Another thing about the window panels, I think they would be better if you flipped them upside down and interlocked them with the double boxes you used as the floor. The interlocking of the boxes is a tad sloppy around the corners, but that's not too bad.

    I enjoyed reading the description because it was very detailed and it made me want to download your map. I also like the picture of the weapon placement. Overall I will give this map a 4.3/5. To get the other .7 points try what I suggested in my first paragraph. Overall, great job.
  6. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interlocking them makes almost no sense. They basically interlock automatically (Window Panels and Door).
  7. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They do interlock almost automatically, but, you see, they only interlock so far. I am suggesting you take the open part of the window panel, and interlock that into the boxes. That way all you have is the bottom part for pure cover, and none of the annoying lines that come with the top. The only reason I say interlock it is because you cannot automatically interlock them that far.
  8. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is what I mean

    DARKLORD123456 likes this.
  9. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now I get you. I'll do that in v3 (it won't be v3.1, I just forgot to rename this v2, so whatever). Suggest the same with the signs or not?

    Delete your double post sporker, or youl get in trouble
  10. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The A and B signs? I think you should decrease the amount, or interlock them a little bit further into the boxes so you can jump over them, that's just my opinion.
  11. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, I'll do that Sporker, but if you have anymore comments, PM me, because it doesn't look so good to have 5 posts on one thread without anybody besides the owner replying!
  12. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    hey n e one wanna help me out im making a good map but im frusterated at one part. i did one side but cant do the other. gt=Bloumbas
  13. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    This map seems to small to me just too close quarters so ya nice job
  14. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The funny thing is if you go all the way to the corner of the map, you can see its true size. It is actually pretty big, and the hoLe brings an open battle, while the sides have cover in them, making it close quarters.

    Because it is closed off though, I thought that it should be a 2-8 player map, and it is.
  15. Ether

    Ether Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map has such an excellent concept. There have been many maps like this before, but you pull it off pretty well. The interlocking could be a little bit better, but that can always be cleaned up in another version. Nice job!!
  16. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll probably will not fix the interlocking anymore. You can't really notice some of the bumpy-ness, and it still works. I rushed on it because my friend and brother didn't want to wait for me to finish so yah, I can't fix it anymore unless I Take apart most of the map, which I have already spent almost 20 hours on since v1.
  17. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    well this looks like a good v2 but the floor looks a little messy but i know how it can be 4/5
  18. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, I don't need to here anything else about how the floor can be fixed. I probably won't address that issue, the map still plays, and it would be very hard to fix. I will fix things that aren't so major though!
  19. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice v2 man better than the first one, keep on forging.
  20. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ill check it out and give ya feedback. looks good

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