
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by II ZERO II, Mar 25, 2008.


    II ZERO II Guest

    This is a zombie map that i created and it has many interlocked objects all over the level.The point of the map is to stall by holding out the zombies out the gate in the beggining.In the beggining th zombies start outside a gate made of crates which they break with hammers.The humans spawn inside and have to defend and keep them out till one minute passes.After a minute a Cannon man appears and takes u to the next base.Once again u will stall again in a diiferent structure this time for another minute.After another cannon man appears and takes u to CURVED STAIRS (took forver to interlock the stairs and walls to make it curved) that lead u to another base after that base u reach the final place to holdout the zombies which has many guns and equipment...............and suvive there as long as u can.

    download and rate please and give feedback thankyou.(ONLY RATE AND COMMENT IF U HAVE TRIED THE MAP)and i will post a vid in the next week or so.only download gametype if u want it for more fun with the map.=)


    GAMETYPE:keep em back!!!!!

    min 1

    min 2

    min 3

    wall zombie side

    wall human side

    next floor 1

    base 2

    stairs process

    stairs with no walls

    base 3

    next floor 2

    last base

    color for no reason =)

    hey everyone i am just informing all that i have created v2 of HOLDOUT i have seen no problems with v2 but try it and tell me wat i can fix thanks guys and please let the errors be true not false like some people have done thank you and please try both and tell me which is better thanks

    HOLDOUT v2

    II ZERO II Guest

    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs took forver to make

    also for anybody out there that think i am trying to steal the map fallback first created by (BLOOD FIRE) i am not i am only tring to improve the map so there is no way out and so there is interlocking so please dont say anything bad about that i was only trying to imrove not steal so please no bad comments thank you

    i have some new information after i just played a match with this map some one person in the party was lagging i noticed this and we went in to black screen when we came back the level was half gone.He joined back in the game and another part of the level was gone this was due to lag so if this happens to one of u guys u can either kick him out or u can chnge all the buildings respawn times exept for the items used to ge u to the next step so yeah letting u guys know.
    And if u go to the level in forge u have to start a new round when it begins if not u only see half of it
  3. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs took forver to make

    You've done 2 wrong thinks on this topic,1:You don't have pictures,2:You double posted.
  4. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs took forever to mak

    What a rebel...
  5. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs took forever to mak

    Actually three wrong things:
    1. No pictures
    2. Double Posted
    3. He used someones elses map without permission (unless he started from scratch)
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs took forever to mak

    He didnt ask for permission, and didnt create it from scratch.

    Its a real bad idea to bring someone elses map out, even if they dont care.

    Please make it your own map.
  7. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs took forever to mak

    Ok all i'm going to say this you obviously put no effort into posting this you say "srry i have no pics i will get some in the next three days" well then please post the map in three days when you have some screen shots.

    you expect me not to comment on the map because I have not played it well for all I know I could be downloading junk that takes up space on my hard drive because I have seen no screen shots.

    Then you break the rules again by double posting I know that you know how to post a map because you have been online for roughly 31 hours some point during those 31 hours online you saw someone say "don't double post."

    Sorry if I have been harsh but I know you are aware of the rules but yet you choose to ignore them.

    Oh and I forgot to mention your title is too long you are only allowed to have the name of the map and you advertised in another thread
    Stop breaking the damn rules they are there for a reason.

    II ZERO II Guest

    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs took forever to make

    By the way if anybody in here thinks im breaking a rule other than one double post then u are way wrong and i am going to explain.

    1.I did not break a rule by not posting the pics yet because i cannot wrok that fast and there are some post on forge hub tht never post pics and i clearly said i will in the next 3 days or less since u guys are ignorantly accusing me of breaking the rules i will post them in ten minutes or less so i did not break a rule on that.

    2.i did double post and it was an accident accidents happen and u guys need to understand that so i broke one rule thats it.

    3.I did not steal the map fallback because i did start from scratch and if none of u beleive me then send me a message saying that u dont and i will post the video showing that i made it from scratch.If u still dont beleive me by then then ask a member here whos name is vestigel and he will tell u that he saw me make this map from scratch.Another person u can ask is Mech warrior that is his halo gamertag he watched me from half of the level to the end of the level so i onc again did not do anything wrong there

    4.this info should explain everything so do not say i broke the rules exept for double posting so read all the sbove if u have any ignorant complaints.
  9. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs PICS added

    WOW! Those stairs look like they would have taken forever! The map looks good!
  10. Boom Boom STAR

    Boom Boom STAR Ancient
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    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs PICS added

    kool map ........definally a download. Nice map.... and I belive that you started from scratch. Very original idea. :D
  11. smoogerz

    smoogerz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs PICS added

    hi u guyz i dont know who to side with so i declare

    pie tastes excellent and a good day or uhh night or somthin :squirrel_rubberduck:
  12. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs PICS added

    Hey dude the map looks pretty cool and I like the idea for the stairs, however, the curved stairs do look kinda messy
  13. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: HOLDOUT a map that constantly changes with curved stairs PICS added

    Cool idea, but I had to change the title.

    We don't like caps.
  14. II ZERO II

    II ZERO II Guest

    yeah the stairs do look kind of messy but u have to understand also that there has never been curved stairs in a map(that ive seen)and the stairs dont curve so it was hard and srry for the caps if i did...i didnt see it
  15. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I actually watched him make the map from scratch and was there in the game most of the time [doing nothing].
    I downloaded your final version of the map but it got pretty screwed up since there were places without walls on the stairs [???] and some things didn't respawn [¿¿¿]. I liked the way you did the spiral staircase but it could use some improvement...

    (I couldn't get to the last base!!!)
    I told you so...
  16. phantom1107

    phantom1107 Ancient
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    Would you guys mind keeping the discussion in this topic ABOUT THE MAP. Thanks, please talk about it somewhere else. So, what do you think of the screenshots?
  17. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i love how it changes
  18. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    I played this map with like 6 people today and my god... all I found myself saying was

    "END THE GAME" repeatedly, interspersed with the words "MY GOD THIS IS A PIECE OF CRAP"...
    its not that the idea is bad... seriously... I like the way it left only one option for escape, one long hallway, its a cool concept...

    HOWEVER... the nice idea is executed very very poorly...

    you say you took hours interlocking the walls and stairs... it looks like you did it in about 15 minutes at 4 in the morning, it looks TERRIBLE...

    furthermore, although the idea of one way to escape is cool and all, you should have ways for the zombies to flank or drop down into the passageway, instead of just leaving it for the human to camp one spot and shoot (which I did, to prove it was possible) the zombies (who are EXTREMELY weak)

    to sum it up and put it more bluntly...

    PROs: cool concept (one escape)
    CONS: the aesthetics are ugly as the depths of hades, the humans versus the zombies fight is like Muhammad Ali boxing a baby, destroying the wall of crates is like sacking Troy...it takes AGES and with a lot of luck it finally comes down

    overall, I'd downrate this on bungie, but i find that a crude, irreparable way of doing things, I'd rather tell you what was wrong so you can fix it, so there, thats it. done.

    - Sarge
  19. II ZERO II

    II ZERO II Guest

    hey sarge its ok that u dont like the map man i dont care thanks for the info on the map but i have played many games with this map and people do not stop bugging me to keep putting it on so u are like one of very few people who dont like it its ok though.Wat was wrong about wat u said the curved stairs if u look more closely i interlocked every wall in it at a curve the stairs are supposed to go straight i am one of the first to make it go curved if u think it took 15 minutes than i would like to see u do it.........wait u cant.Another thing that was wrong about wat u said is that u cannot camp in this map the zombies have a good amount of health and take 2 headshots to kill and three body shots they move faster than the humans by a little not to much and so u were wrong about that again another thing the wall takes about 5 hits with the hammer if ur good with it wich u probably are not thats why it took so long.And i have played and tested the mpa so much times already with big parties and small ones to find problems with the level and the things that u have mentioned arent any of them they were ur own faults and u were just explaining them to me about wat ur
    not good at.Just because u dont like it and ur not good at it doesnt mean u should say false stuff and i have many people who had played this with me and they would agree with me because they know the truth u on the other hand dont and instead make false statements.SO i will be posting a vid of gameplay soon showing that u are lying and making false statements because i know that all that stuff u said was lies and the real probalems with the map are u get stuck under the stairs when it lags it doesnt load completely and there were ways to get out but these were the only problems found EVER there is no spawn camping or zombies to low sheilds u just have to be good with br.Thank you for telling me this though to bad its not true but thanks anyways.=)
  20. InventiveLizard

    InventiveLizard Ancient
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    Can you please type English, not 3ng115h. It gets on my nerve. The stairs look like something out of Alice In Wonderland but honestly, that is all that's good. My pet peeve with infection is maps that make the zombies feel deppresed and bored. Now a tunnel doesn't work because all the humans have to do is camp. I have a map made were the zombies are normal speed but have needlers and do 100% damage and the humans STILL enjoy it (although the map is shoddy).

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