Holdout (On) The Roof

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Youtuber, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This is my latest map, and I wanted to go ahead and make a minigame, which I did. If you can see it, it is inspired by the MW2 Spec-Ops mission Sniper Fi, where you holdout on a roof (hence the name). Basically, I converted a VIP gametype into a KOTH gametype, allowing you to gain points in a hill type thing for as long as possible.

    The gametype by the way is one sided VIP.The attackers don't directly try to harm the VIP, although their final goal is indeed trying to kill him. Actually, they are trying to make it through a death course of sorts, allowing them to jump into the crypt hole, hitting a switch, and activating a simulated air strike.

    The defenders job is to co-ordinate their efforts to prevent any of the attacking team from reaching the underground of their building. Using snipers, BR's, and their wits, hopefully they will succeed in pulling of a perfect round.

    It is basically cheat proof, as you don't gain points for kills, only for staying inside the hill, (which btw, moves every 10 seconds, since it is a VIP goal point), and if you jump down and away from the VIP to go do whatever tele-spawn camping, you have 0 percent damage, making you basically harmless.

    Pic time.

    Here's just an overview. I have most of the main outercover down, just need the surrounding bunkers, buildings, etc. That big rectangle in the middle is the VIP's teams holdout point.


    This is just a close up of that said building...


    Pic of the simple min-max switch inside the crypt.


    Activating these...


    Causing the boom.

  2. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Seemed very interesting when you showed it to me earlier. The map is very reminiscent of Sniper Fi(which just happens to be one of my favorite spec-ops missions :D)
    The only real criticism I could give you was that area where I thought it looked a little to open if the attackers ever ended up in that position, so overall is shaping up nicely so far.

    You've got to invite me to a game whenever it's tested. :D
  3. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    well...can't the Defenders just look up and shoot one of the Fusion coils, causing the others to blow, before they reach the bottom? It would've made it a waste of time for the Attackers getting to the switch in the first place....
  4. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I'd already considered that, and the fusion coils are set on instant spawn, so yeah, theoretically, the team could shoot them, but eventually, they will drop because there are so many. Also, I might create a teleporter in the crypt that leads to like a killing platform of sorts in the middle level that holds a custom powerup which enables damage and gives a rocket, sniper etc...

    Yeah, that would kinda mean the Air Support would sometimes be just for looks, but considering there are honor rules, that might be one of them.
    #4 Youtuber, Feb 6, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2010

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