This slayor game type is great for - MLG, Swat, Team Snipers ,Shotty Snipers and any other hard gametypes but this is best with the rules Tower-Trubble (a one shot kill , brain busting game that will test your skills ) best with 4-12 players The map HoldFrount V3 was made by edz95 and jools92 and here are some screen shots and i have a youtube video of it HERE Thanks to... bridgy, jam and kaos for being in the pictures - Evolution - and you for looking and hopefuly downloading my map. also whilst i was on holiday aparently i got on bungie favs with it!
Ok no worry's. I'll help. Just remember to fix this post in 24 hours or a mod will lock it. Well first you have to download the hi-res screenshot from your gallery on Next you must go to a image hosting website (I use photobucket) and upload the pics to there. Then, when they are uploaded, you should copy the 'Direct Code' and copy the code into this button: Do this for each picture and you should be on your way to fixing this post. Alternatively read the more detailed link in my signature (By the way try not to double or triple post - you should read the rules first. I'll let you off this time without reporting it) NO-ONE ELSE POST UNTIL THE PICS ARE UP!
I would also like to say that 0 respawn time is impossible without mods... And modded content isn't allowed on forgehub.
He means that you die once and don't respawn, and if I am wrong, just go to the gameptype's settings and make it so you respawn instantly (I might be mistaken again).
triple post FTL....and you really should look at the way the long time users post to get a feel at the templates you can do.
i forgot to post a comment on the map lol i like it i think it could play really well on most games great job and also rats nest is a hard map to forge on i think so good job
Seriously? Swords and Gauss warthogs in MLG, let alone mongooses? Same goes for Swat and Team Snipers. When I first looked at the map it looked like an infection map, because it looked like you could hide and go wherever. Personnally I hate Shield Doors in any "Hardcore" gametype. The Man-Cannons don't looks that accurate either. Sorry if I came off as an ass but I'm trying to help you fix your map. If you fixed alot of problems in a version 2 I would be more than happy to give you a download.
its a good map for rats nest, but i personally hate these kind of maps. not saying its bad, its actually good and planned out i just hate playing them. nice job.
Oh sorry I just PM'd how to fix it. Looks like you already did it. Good job on it too. It isn't MLG... For a competitive map it looks like there are too many hiding places. Not to mention that most members like competitive maps to be clean. Not to say that the gameplay will be bad of course. As someone has said before, interlocking will benefit this map and cleaning it up will too. Maybe add a little more cover in the bases too. Hope this map does well.
Fixed sad face and... you have a problem with that? maybee you should change the rules so it wouldnt have it on the map? its quite a simple thing to do