Hold out Created by Killamanjaro123 Supported Gametypes: Hold Out assault gametype, found on my file share, and all infection variants, except ones with changed gravities of some sort. Map Description A map where the attackers with the bomb have to wait in one room and hold out the defenders until they advance, and then advance through the man cannon to the next room. The defenders re-spawn behind a giant wall of crates which they knock through with the non-re spawning weapons found in the armory. note that the weapons are for breaking through the crate wall, and have limited clips in them. there are also unpictured weapons hidden on the map. time spent: 20 hours at least techniques used: interlocking, timed events, floating objects heres the screens, the first room not included [sadly] The armory The last room A different shot of the last room The stairway of the third room The second room sorry- no action shots. _________________________________________________ This is a great map and should get some dls. download map here http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=30523689 download gametype here http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=30525871 please dl and comment on my post and map, this is my first published map the armory is for the defenders breaking through the giant wall of crates. It is a defenders armory, and is nowhere near the goal point to prevent camping. there are plenty of weapons on the map too. I fixed the download link
Wait I second, did I just see five swords? Just wanna tell you that armories are generally frowned on, no matter what gametype you have, and non-respawning weapons generally doesn't fix the problem. Actually it could make it worse, because then after a while when all of them have been taken and used, the game could turn into AR's and frags. Try to incorporate the weapons into the map somehow, cause I know there'll be about ten other posts saying the same thing. And I don't really understand the premise, why would the attacking team have to hold out, generally it is the defenders that are holding out. Maybe explain a bit more if you can. Some of the map does look pretty good by the pics, so this does have potential if the weapons are fixed.
First, I don't like the armory picture, because they almost never work out and are n00b magnets. Second, the map link isn't working for me. once the link gets working i'll DL it, because it looks very well made
i cant really tell alot about the map try geting more pictures and maybe a mini map>(read the bottom link in my sig)
5 Swords, 3 Snipers, 2 BRs, 2 Shotguns, a Brute shot, and a Fuel Rod, all in the same room? I sense a campout. Bring a tent! Well, at least they don't respawn. Still, that's too many weapons. What's the general point of this map? I know it's for assualt, but I don't understand past that.
I think you need an overview picture, i get whats going on but its kinda hard to visualize it all seems well put together for the most part good work
BAHAHAHA that is all i could think about, was campers, why go anywhere beside to grab a sword & snipe, and not move a muscle
It is for the hold out game type, and the armory is for breaking throught the wall of crates. there are weapons on the map, and the armory is the defenders so there will be no camping. does that cover it all? oh yeah, and i fixed the hyperlink
I still have practically no downloads, please download and play it, it's hard to explain without you actually playing it.
hey could somebody explain to me why my pictures won't work on my thread.....its the Templar Castle V.2 thread....It won't work.
okay, i'm going to recap, the attackers respawn in one room. the defenders respawn in the armory. the defenders take the weapons and break through the wall o' crates and attack the attackers. The attackers wait for a man-cannon to appear, then go up it and wait in the nest room and hold out the defenders for the next man-cannon. Then you wait for yet another man-cannon in the third room. then you go through the teleporter to the last room. you plant the bomb, which takes thirty seconds, then wait another thirty seconds for it to explode. the defenders rush in to disarm the bomb. if they succeed, the attackers have one more chance to arm the bomb. if they fail that time too, then the defenders win. if they do succeed, then the attackers win. i think that this is a crazy map, and you need to try it. the armory is the defender's base where they respawn. this and the fact that it's an objective based game prevent camping. it's hard to explain, just download and play with 12-16 players and you will get it.
Lock this , copyed ak zeros map, look at the dates their both posted, this kid copyed aks map excaly, he just added more weaponds. they is the excat same map. skum
hey man great map i love this =Dnot...............did u seriously think u would get away with stealing my map???? for alll who want know this as origanally created by me ak ii zero ii this proves it. lol nice man u really know how to steal a map great job u really jacked me but to bad now u will get warned by a mod........For ALL THOSE WHO WANT TO KNOW THIS IS A MAP THAT WAS CREATED BY ME ITS HOLDOUT i made this about 4 months ago and have a gametype and a thread and many other details to show that this was stolen here is the exact thread that was origanally posted by me and i also have 108 comments which shows that mine was out before this one i also have a v2 version its kinda funny how this guy tried to steal it and atleast its worth stealing heres the thread dont steal this is the origanal thread heres the things that were said in my thread hey this is holdout v2 this has just improveed some ways out and little glitches in the level so yeah gameplay is still the same but glitches arent so yeah download if u want it is still a great infection map so yeah try it out and for v1 map here it is and if there are problems with v2 please tellme and i will try to fix them and please dont lie about errors with the map like some people thank you guys. Level:HOLDOUT v1 GAMETYPE:keep em back!!!!! And just for a reminder this is a zombie map that i created and it has many interlocked objects all over the level.The point of the map is to stall by holding out the zombies out the gate in the beggining.In the beggining th zombies start outside a gate made of crates which they break with hammers.The humans spawn inside and have to defend and keep them out till one minute passes.After a minute a Cannon man appears and takes u to the next base.Once again u will stall again in a diiferent structure this time for another minute.After another cannon man appears and takes u to CURVED STAIRS (took forver to interlock the stairs and walls to make it curved) that lead u to another base after that base u reach the final place to holdout the zombies which has many guns and equipment...............and suvive there as long as u can. download and rate please and give feedback thankyou.(ONLY RATE AND COMMENT IF U HAVE TRIED THE MAP)and i will post a vid in the next week or so.only download gametype if u want it for more fun with the map.=)For forge hub post click hereFORGE HUB min 1 min 2 min 3 wall zombie side wall human side next floor 1 base 2 stairs beggining stairs 1 stairs 2 stairs 3 stairs 4 stairs outside stairs with no walls base 3 next floor 2 beggining of last base last base under last base opposite of last base color for no reason =) fh pls backlist him or lock this or punish him or something and everyone here pls report him this damn stealer can a mod pls lock this it was stolen y would u try to steal my map and infact make a tiny bit of changes and make gameplay worse.It was good the way it was without and armory.Man it sucks how a bunch of people are trying to steal this map from me and call it theirs.