Me? I'm HotLikeStove! I forge. Hello. *Hypnotizes you into chenking out my maps* Let me rephrase that= GOOOOD MORNIN' VIETNAAAAA-FORGEHUB!! I'm fairly new, as you can see by my rookie badge (sweeeet!). I have 3 maps, all of which need a bit of editing, of course. As they say, better is as better does! Thank you all for the warm welcome and GETINMABELLEH
Cool story bro, needs more dragons. But seriously welcome to Forgehub! Its awesome! I heard maps happen here. And also people what does the maps happen here. Sound good? kthxbai
I thought n00bles said no more inside jokes? Anyways, welcome to ForgeHub, I'm sure if you stick around for long enough, you'll understand what is going on, and I wish you good luck with all of your forging. ♥ Sky
Inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke Hi. Welcome, n stuff. Inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke Inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke Inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke inside joke