V2 Coming Soon. I look the link down cause i don't want people to download a plain boring map. V2 Coming Soon
thats really cool how the whole post is an image, niceee anyway, yes i remember those good old days, i wish coagulation was back. i really do.... you have my download for the rememberence
great post, i like how it is all one image. now, just because the post is good doesn't mean the map is... jk, jk. the map is good. i thoroughly enjoy a good old hog war
I like the idea, but it's just an empty box for 'hogs to drive around in.. Have you considered adding in some geomerged boxes to make some low hills? (I'm thinking no taller than a fusion coil).. that would add some bumps and short jumps to spice things up. What I remember from running around with 'hogs in Halo 1 was all the little bumps and whatnot on Blood Gulch..
Thanks guy for all the feed back. Im going to make some hills and stuff now that i read "Merging Immovable Objects with Map Geometry" i now know how to make better stuff, ill get right on it
I like the idea! And since I have no clue were to post a question like this since all I have done is post maps so far, but How did you make it all one big picture, and how do you make pictures have links. such as you're signatures?
You were right about it bieng 'fairly simple' The idea is pretty cool, i can't say that i have played anything like this in Halo 2, but i have played similar games. How do you get ontop of the podium?
Really awesome gametype, nothing really special about the map though, and you should've closed the waiting area, stopping people from running in the arena. Other then that, 8/10.
lol, the podium is just for jokes. It not like at the end of the game the 3winners are actually going to go up there and stand lol
^ What? now that just ruined my whole day..... jk Anyways i dl at v2 when you have the bumps n' jumps or w/o. +rep for the nice post and the single image.
Guy i was playing this earlier with some guys and it is kinda hard to kill people, so i will be thinking about something better to kill people . Please bare with me well i experiment.
I like the idea but couldn't the players just wait up in the spawn area? Also can people shoot each other just with normal guns? you need to explain what gametype to use bit more.
Seems like a really good idea, and a new game, I like this alot... For your creativity I give you 5/5 Although for the map making and actually placement o the objects, 4.5/5 You, in total on my opinion deserve a 4.5/5 for this map...
i remember hog wars, but you need terrain, if you were to put this on avalanch and spread the vehicles around, then i think itd be better.