Sandbox Hogball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Wheels36, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    Hogball Gametype

    Hogpen Map Variant

    Welcome to the Hogpen! Hogball is a 2-on-2 capture the flag game with a twist.* Each team's flag is blocked by a series of teleporters. Entering these teleporters will send you directly into a killball. So, in order to score, you must play..HOGBALL!

    First, use a warthog to knock the golfball into your opponents' goal...indicated by the flag icon. Doing this blocks a receiver node inside the goal. Next, jump out of the warthog and run directly into the killball. This causes you to respawn on your opponents' flag platform**. With the receiver node blocked, you may now safely grab the flag. The flag scoring point is at the same point you pick it up. The ball resets to the middle of the court after 30 seconds in the goal, so move quickly to score the flag.

    Here is a link to the hogball promotional video on youtube. It helps explain the game and shows some gameplay.
    YouTube - Introducing: Hogball

    *While Hogball is designed for 4 players, the current gametype and map support up to 8 players. If more than 2 players are on a team, the game chooses the 2 drivers at random and the remaining 1 or 2 players spawn in the Spectator Box high up at halfcourt. From here they get a great view of the action and wait for their chance to drive next round.

    **After dying, upon respawn you run faster for 15 seconds. This allows you to quickly score the flag or make it back to your vehicle.
    #1 Wheels36, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    This looks like a very innovative little mini-game, but I think most players will find it a bit annoying that the golf ball goes under the Warthog every time you get hit it with a decent amount of speed. Using mongooses might fix this problem and make it more fun in the long run, the only thing I see with using mongooses is that they might be able to get underneath the shield-doors. Another thing you might want to rework is the way you score, I find it kind of dragged out, you need to push the ball into the goal, then kill yourself, then re-spawn, and then finally grab the flag and plant it. Don't think I'm trying to put you down, though it might sound like it, I'm just trying to help make the most out of this game.

    It's que'd up right now and I'll get a party together tonight to test it.
  3. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    This is the Same thing as Seaboro Kibbles "Soccer" Except with Warthogs.
    However it still looks fun to play.
    I suggest you add a wall around the map to make it more of an official Halo sport.
    You should also move the Flag to the outside of the base so people dont have to kill themselves to score.
    #3 AlexIsCoool, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  4. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    yeah, just have it so when you block the node, you can just go thru the tele wall without death..
  5. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    Yeah, it would be simple to make the flag guarded by both teleporter and shield doors on the outside, really. At first I was a little skeptical of the idea, seeing as the soccer variants I've played so far are all shitty, but from the video it looks pretty good. Great execution with the score system.
  6. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    oh wow
    this is so awesome i cant even believe it!
    the complexity of it is too much for me to figure out myself but that just makes it all the more awesome! thanks for sharing it with us, hope it gets featured, and put on bungie favorites! well done! :D
  7. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    From what I understand, this is different, this hogball thing has a room before the goal or something, Im not sure right now though. I will check it out and report back here. From the looks of it this looks really fun, like warthog wars with and objective, I will definatly check it out, my hopes are high!
  8. ki11akobe24

    ki11akobe24 Ancient
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    hey wheels glad you finally got to get this posted.

    to be honest the version i played of hogball really stunk, but with these new improvements ill have to redownload it and give it another go!

    btw nice work with the vid that really sold it for me!!
  9. Flamerazor2

    Flamerazor2 Ancient
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    they go under the hog too easy, plz change it and anyway this r great map.
  10. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I tried it many times, and dude, i gotta hand it to ya, it played amazing. Its vehicle soccer! just perfect!

    Well, I did notice three flaws. One being the fact that warthogs aren't the ideal vehicle, they ride over the ball too much. Two, the ball can get either behind a base or out in the dunes, and from there it is super annoying to get out. Three, waiting in the lobby can be very boring, and sometimes one player can sit out up to three rounds.

    Now don't get discouraged by my critical criticism, this map still sits above many of the greatest games just how it is now (in my opinion) but I know a way to solve the three problems listed above. Change the vehicles. I've done some testing, and the chopper and the prowler don't ride over the ball. This kills all the problems, and if you don't make the change I will (with your permission).

    The switch may be a hit oh hogball's ego, it may need to be called bruteball, but I think the change would be great, so great, this may.. even.. replace.. GRIFBALL!!! No, just kidding, nothing will ever replace grifball, no matter how bad that game is. Bungie has a boner for rooster teeth, we just have to live with it.
  11. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    A few responses....

    1) Walls around the court wont work. The ball sometimes gets hit so hard it flies to the outskirts of the map. (one time we hit it OUT of the map with it still 60 feet in the air). No wall will be high enough and it will just make it harder to push back in after i goes out.

    2) There is a reason you have to die to get the the flag. In earlier versions, after hitting the ball in the goal, the other team would just camp the flag or teleporters going to the flag and splatter/assasinate to stop you from scoring the rest of the round. Using the current system, killing you just gets you there quicker.

    3) Notes on other vehicles. Hogball is just catchy, and the warthog is my signature weapon. Choppers don't appeal to me, mongooses fit under the shield doors of the goal, and I like prowlers but they overpower the hogs.

    None of the vehicles have the cool physics of the hog in head on head hits and fusion coil explosions.

    4) The ball getting stuck behind the goal is a problem and will be tried to be fixed in future versions. Now you can see why putting this in the crypt wont work. You see how a stalemate arises from 1 flat wall, imagine 4.

    5) Yes being stuck in the spectator box does suck, but the game is really 2v2 in current form. It just scales up to 8 if you go into customs with more than four. Many other variants have been tried but failed. Gauss are too powerful and can shoot the ball in in 3 hits. Rockets and stickies in the spectator boxes either were too distracting from the game or people would just suicide and spawn out on the court and start hijacking, making the game suck. : Official Hogball League : Private Forum : REGISTER FOR SUMMER LEAGUE

    For the people who did like the game, here is a link to signup for the upcomign Hogball Summer League.
  12. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Oh very nicely done on posting it here, Wheels.
    I have to say that this game is awesome.
    It plays excellently and the only annoying thing is when you get the ball stuck behind a base... Other than that, in order to push the ball you just have to tap it instead of ramming it to avoid going over it. :) Well, nicely done Wheels. Congratulations!
  13. T4s Jonte

    T4s Jonte Ancient
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    Nice map! I like the scoring, very fun. But I think the map should be built in the crypt, so you have walls around the map.
  14. natu

    natu Ancient
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    THis actually looks pretty fun. It seems like it would take forever to scor but you never know until you fully play it. I'm giving this a try. Your one intro guy's performance was so bad that it was good.

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