
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by sora0314, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. sora0314

    sora0314 Forerunner

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    Hey guys im exited to Introduce: Hogball. Ohh why is it called hog ball.... I have no f***ing idea. And no it has nothing to do with warthogs but it does include a ball and your awesome powers of awesome. Ok heres how you play: when you start pull out your pistol and shoot the fusion coil to be awarded the ball. what ever team shoots it first gets ball first. Once you have the ball hit it with your grav ham into one of the holes on the other side (the enemies side) Now you might be about to hit the back button cuz it sounds too much like soccer but trust me when you see the pics its definitely not. In the middle is a 1 way sheild door so no going on the other side. Now say you score but getting it in one of the holes now what do i do. go into the corresponding teloporter on your side to simply score the round point. (I am making a v2 with the stockpile thing) Their are 8 rounds and it is best with a 2v2 or 4v4 i haven't tried any more (if you do any more than that tell me how it goes.

    What You start out with:
    1 Plasma

    Enough of this time for pics:

    Scoring holes:

    Smile on the wall (kinda retarded)

    Middle were ball spawns:

    Shield doors:

    Under map:

    Ok guys hope you enjoy:
    I have tested over and over trying to fix everything but if you find anything plz plz tell me and how i may fix it thx
    I got the idea from Pool/Tenis
    #1 sora0314, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010

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