Editorial Note: I did not realize that photobucket does not work on Forgehub. Any help in this would be appreciated, please! Note: all screenshots are taken off an older version called ZOMG, Zombies! None of the changes from that old map to Hog Zombies are evident by these screens. Note: I did not hack this map. For some reason only one elephant spawned in the final version of the game. If anybody else encountered this problem, please private message me. Welcome to a trip down memory lane. Remember the days before Foundry? Before interlocking and geometry merging? I sure as hell do. The first iteration of this map is dated, on my hard drive as September 29th, 2007. Just four days after Halo 3's launch. This is the first map I ever designed, created or played, that completely changed how a level was played. Throughout my Halo 3 career I have spent more time in Forge than anything else (more maps by me are currently being prepared and redone for Forgehub) and I swell with pride for the work I have done on this map, constantly tweaking the gameplay and gametype for the past ten and a half months. Almost everybody who has played this and likes infection is won over by it's simple to do yet hair-raising to play style. Hog Zombies' original map name was ZOMG, Zombies! but was changed to Hog Zombies, because it had a better ring. You definitely may have played this or a spin off of it. But none of the spin offs I have played have even come close to touching this game. The gametype has always been called Hog Zombies. In case you hadn't guessed, this is played on Sandtrap, with the humans starting on one side of the map, and one alpha zombie on the other. All humans start with an assault rifle, motion tracker and two frags, alpha zombie starts with a hammer, no tracker, two frags, 300% speed (a little slower than a ghost on turbo), 200% gravity, and all other zombies start with only an energy sword, no tracker, 300% speed and 300% gravity. All infected are unshielded and are susceptable to heashots. The humans have anywhere from forty-five seconds to two minutes to mount up their vehicles and get outta doge before the Alpha slams into home base. This wasn't really planned out, its just that sometimes they don't develope speed until twenty seconds in. It also depends on player skill. At the human base, anywhere between 2 and 15 people will spawn and have a variety of options to choose from. They can grab one of the vehicles off of the long list of rides, or head downstairs to find a weapon among the ruble to go on foot. The vehicles list is as follows. 5 Mongeese 4 Warthog 2 Gauss Warthog 1 Prowler 1 Elephant Note: only 2 mongeese start at the spawn. The others are throw about the map in biles of debris for mostly ascetic purposes. Although this option is much more risky, a player may choose to head out and find a weapon. Some may call this an armour downstairs, but with only 4 weapons to choose from, I don't. This option wields pretty decent results when a crack shot with a Battle Rifle does it. The best strategy for any zombie, whether alpha or beta, is to set up a number of ambushes for the humans. Avoiding a convoy when possible and sticking to cover to attack from the sides. When the zombies all work together, they can make quick work of a group of rowdy humans. Human Spawn with vehicles. Underneath human spawn. All weapons in this room are as follows. They all have two spare clips. 2 Battle Rifle 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Shotgun 1 Sub Machine Gun Note: outside of this area there are only 3 assualt rifles all of which are in the crassed Albatross dropship. Zombie spawn area. Alpha Zombie approaches the human spawn area for the first time. One of two Gauss 'Hogs (one pictured) opens up on a pursuing group of Betas (regular zombies) with the Alpha leading the charge (not pictured). A lone Beta is caught in between the crossfire of 3 'Hogs. Only one Warthog is pictured, but if you look closely you can see the crossfire from the other two. Part of an interrupted human convoy is shown here. Convoying with your fellow survivors is proven to extend life expectancy by over 9000. Me, map creator Jsten419. Honourable thanks goes out to my three best testers who have been playing this since the first map. Bringer O Grief Brax13 ThisIsSPARTA 364 Hog Zombies Map Hog Zombies Gametype Thanks for your time and please, Give Hog Zombies a chance to win you over. Just like so many before you.
I'll be mowing the lawn for the next half hour, any mod who wants to give me a hand with my pictures would be forever my hero... Links to them should be in the HTML... or here Jsten419 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Why does photobucket not work and would another site, like imageshack, suffice?
amazing map....5/5....please fix your pictures by embeding them using a website like photobucket or any webite where you can upload pictures. NOTE: next time edit your first post and don't double post mods get mad and -rep you. do not use the html code use the img one.
photobucket does work, almost everyone does it. but i'll see what i can do about your pics. edit, here are his pics.
Use the Photo-bucket BBcode (or the last text bar under the pictures you upload.) Photo-bucket does work.
this map isn't 5/5 not really it might of been when it was only sandtrap and snowbound and them maps but now it isn't also is it just the zombies chase the warthog because that isn't very origanal but it is a nice change from foundry
Yeah I agree everyone has made a sandrtap infection is there anything different about this one is their something that evens out the gameplay so zombies don't always have a dissadvantage? A few problems in this type of game is group camping and hogs that drive allong the edge of the map.
Yeah, those are encouraged tactics, if the humans camp, they always die because it leaves them in an awkward angle. surrounded on all sides by infected. Driving on the outside of the map is not very advantageous becuase of ample cover in the rolling hills and chocke points at key places.
Well, the thread is spectacular I give you two thumbs up for that. But the map is not something special, if people are to download a map, it needs to be something that can't be done in an hour of forge. Here at Forgehub a standard map is interlocked, and is not necessarily unique in most forms. The point being, this is not unique at all, nor is it something that will take me hours to make. So considering you are new to Forgehub, I won't give you a rant/solution, but a Compliment/Solution type of review. The largest problem is not the map, but the gameplay and the map you chose. We all know that Sandtrap is a large ring, and with Warthogs you can speed across the outside without fear of death to the mine field. The other problem is that even at max speeds a zombie will not be able to catch up with a warthog, meaning that they will attempt to form a barricade. Normaly the chances of a succesful barricade are slim, they require teamwork, and on Xbox Live this is nearly impossible. So down to the point is, the warthogs killed the map. I can see that the zombies are armed with gravity hammers. But those are not always succesful. So I don't know but this won't work at all. Your map gets a 2/5 from me, the game play is doomed to fail. and normally this is the largest portion of my terms of scoring. Game play in my opinion matters a **** load more then Aesthetics or design.
Camping is the most functional forms of living in infection based games. How exactly are they in an awkward position regardless. Unless you mean cornered, which is not surrounded at all, there is only one entry in most camping positions and as long as humans have ammo we can expect anywhere from 10-150 kills per human in one round. The Warthogs are not a advantageous you say? Did You forget that this works both ways, and since the infected only have close range weapons, what good is it for them? Your basically making up a lie. The humans have infinite ammo on a fast cruising warthog, that won't benefit the infected since the infected have to run into the open and try to remove the Warthog, sometimes they only kill the turrets man leaving the warthog functional.
I'm telling you, camping does not work, in order to get in position to camp you have to expose yourself to a very cramped area. Even so, the spawn for zombies is strewn about a large area, you can't cover the entire area with less than 3 warthogs, even then, any infected outside of the radius can still masacre any would be campers. The gravity hammer is extremely good against vehicles, even hogs. I should have explained more about the actual gameplay, but the zombies almost always have higher scores then the humans. It only takes one zombie to set up a proper barricade and I myself have taken down entire warthogs loaded to the teeth with just my energy sword. Really, I encourage you to play a game of this. It plays nothing like you said, also, this map you said you could make in an hour has been refined and tweaked constantly since Halo 3 launched. The gameplay is solid, but don't take my word for it. Jsten419 is my gamertag, let's get a party going.
You don't need a cramped area to camp, you need weapons to camp... and Camping is much more powerful then your saying, I have played various versions of Sand trap, and there had to be at least one that resembled this map. And I never said that warthogs could spawn kill, I said that they have an incredible advantage. One Zombie, one gravity hammer. A gravity hammer might my good, but the humans have the advantage of sight and range... Even if you knock it off balance it won't take 10 seconds to get back in and drive, it takes less. While there are occasions when you can take it out, depending on how weak the zombie is of course. I can't play the map regardless, I have gotten a Hardware Malfunction.
Sorry to hear that, thanks a lot for the critique though. It made me go back and completely look over my spawn system, I might be redoing it, but am making it as camp proof as I can. Tough love is ze best kind.
Aww... I wish I could give you plus rep... I can't because I am Warned... But glad to know that you are not aggressive and persistent, only I can be persistent.
ehh, not my favorite kind of map. sandtrap is just too open and pretty hard to make a nice map. using guass is annoying for the zombies, just too easy to kill them. ^ i can do that for you
Meh, I thank you for the effort, but just telling me to use an IMG code would have sufficed. I give you a big E-hug for attempting to help. Thanks Edit, I just realized why everybody thought camping was a big problem! The pic for the zombie spawn is not right... will fix ASAP.