so i will record the best HLG spots in this thread. just want to see where to hide! me and my friend jetpacked up to some pipes in sword base, above the stairwell that is against the wall that goes up across from the green lift from the ground floor, if you guys get where i am saying. HLG stands for hidden league gamers, for when you hide in a place the whole game to win, after getting like 1 kill ahead.
HLG is horrible. I'd prefer aim-bots. At least then I feel like I'm playing a game rather than running around for 10 minutes not doing anything
HLG has no place on a forum dedicated to goodwill, enjoying the game, and sharing fun with friends. HLG is one of the many cancers plaguing Halo: Reach. Please take this discussion somewhere else. Cheers, HarisSales.
HLG can be extraordinarily fun. It is best combined with dance parties in open locations. It is amazing how long it takes a player to find you in the middle of the map. Wait, forgehub's about having fun? And goodwill? XD Oh, and in Reflection there is a little ledge you can jetpack to. In the centre area there are pillars (not the stone ones, but the tall ones) that you can jetpack to. Get on the one closest to the sniper tower then jetpack up and to the left when facing the tower. On Sword Base, in the room between green lift and vent there are glass walls. Jetpack to the top of those.
I saw some HLG vids on youtube of hiding and that was funny and I thought it was cool Then I played with some HLG guys and they got 8 kills, and then jumped off construct for the rest of the time. I freaking love running around for 12 minutes trying to shoot people falling at terminal velocity. Great way to ruin a perfectly good game.
HLG is awesome. IT makes gameplay that much more funny. Also it takes skill to get into the tougher places in which you cannot be seen or found. look up HLG AMplified on youtube. They will show you spots in their videos. @HarrisSales... ?
Yeah, HLG can be annoying, but it is so funny. I've seen the spots on reflection its soo cool. Best place to find spots is to look at MLG's changes to the maps, where they place killzones.
I'm really sure if this is related but don't you hate it when the score is tied at 49 and one of your teammates is like "olololol imma go wander around and find meh some kills", walks through a doorway and gets tripled?
What would really cool is if you do that, and bam he goes into armor lock, then teammates spam the nades in and win. That would be hillarious