
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Auburn, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    the problem w/ removing the railings is that the coloring of erosion doesn't lend itself to seeing a contrast being a floor and a wall. then, it is very hard to know there is a drop-off until you have already... dropped off.

    in contrast, the Morpheus map that you played on has railings everywhere and people still complain that they can fall of the sides... I went back and considered making them even higher, but I decided that the visual cue was there to let people know not to jump over an edge where a railing exists. If they still do it, I can't help it!

    But if you don't use railings on your map, I'd consider doing somethhing to let the player know well in advance of dropping off, that there is certain death down below.

    I noticed you had a soft-kill zone around the death-pit... consider extending it upwards more and widening (or using a 2nd one in same location) to show a death countdown at least a step or two from the edge. No one would stand there 10 seconds anyway, and it lets you know that there is death nearby. :)
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Whoops, that's what I meant :p
  3. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I agree with this. It's fair enough if you want to remove the railings to enhance the danger of falling, but an indication of the pit being there is still needed, in my opinion.

    What you could do is flip some railings over and colour them red. Then, peek them up a teeny weeny bit above the floor (creating the slightest bump). This would outline the edge of the floor with red, indicating a risk of death.
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I personally believe that still goes back to the aspect of player awareness in that players should be wary of their surrounding despite having played the map before or not. I don't mean to sound overly defensive, but I do think not including any indication is the better option as it emphasizes the primary purpose of the death pits. Nevertheless, I will go ahead and add those railings that you suggested, Kaz. Thank you for the suggestion.

    Addict, I wouldn't want to have a killzone in any playable area, but I will expand them as much as possible. I'm assuming you were talking about the one in bottom red? Thanks for the consecutive suggestions, man. It's very much appreciated.

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