Hit the ChumpsHello and this is my second post here on forgehub involving maps.It is about you being either infected trying to smush the zombies into a cake,or just dodge the ghost.Look out because killballs spawn at 90 seconds in.The ghosts must be driven by a player and crash,yet eliminating the player.But there is an amount of spawn seconds you must wait and it may hurt you while in combat,so be careful. Gametype: Human Traits... Forced color--Black Primary Weapon--Plasma Pistol Secondary Weapon--Energy Sword Zombie Traits: Forced Color--White Primary Weapon--Sword Secondary Weapon--Plasma Pistol Pictures: Map Overview Zombie Spawn Human Spawn O-U-C-H-- Crap! ☻Links Map Game Special Thanks to: FlowBotz--For helping out by telling me about the killball spawns. A Badger Ferret--Tester Spagehtti Man Pi--Tester
Yeah,I added you guys to the list.You should sign up at the testers guild.It is a lot of fun.Thanks anyway