This is something I have tested and worked over, it includes various situations that may occur in battle, these tips may help you. When you get a "Four Shot" it does not techniquely mean you shot someone four times consecutively in the head with the BR, other combinations such as, three body shots THEN a headshot, get you a "Four Shot", basically any other combinations that include three shots ANYWHERE on the body then the final, fourth shot, has to be a head shot. Other situations that change how you get a kill in combat are as following: It takes the same exact amount of bullets, to the very bullet to get a kill with the AR. Basically meaning it does not matter where you shoot, so aim for the body to be safer. It takes one melee then one BR shot to the head to get a kill, but if you do that in reverse it takes THREE BR shots and then one melee to kill. SPK (Shots Per Kill) Please note that some shot accuracy depends on range, these were shot at a mid-distant range unless it says otherwise. BR-Body 7 Shots (21 Bullets) BR-Head 4 Shots (12 Bullets) AR-Body 6 "Spray" shots (17 Bullets) AR-Head-Same As Body ShotGun-Depends On Distance (Closest=1 Shot, Farthest=12 Shots) Sniper Rifle-Body 2 Shots (2 Bullets) Sniper Rifle-Head 1 Shot (1 Bullet) Smg-Body 10 "Spray Shots" (24 Bullets) Smg-Head Roughly the same as body, sometimes nine shots Spiker-Body 6-7 "Spray Shots" (24 Bullets) Spiker Head Roughly the same as body, more often 6 shots than 7. Magnum-Body 8 Shots (8 Bullets) Magnum-Head 5 Shots (5 Bullets) Plasma Pistol-Body 20 shots, 1 fully charged rest single Plasma Pistol-Head Roughly the same as body Plasma Rifle-Body 7 shots (5 percent) Plasma Rifle-Head Roughly the same as body Needler-Body 4 shots (8 Bullets) Needler-Head Roughly the same as body Brute Shot-Body 4 Shots (4 Bullets) Brute Shot-Head Roughly the same as body Rocket Launcher-Body Depends on how far away it is from victim (Direct Hit-1 Shot, Within close range- 1-2 Shot(s) Spartan Lazer- 1-2 Shots, depending if it is a direct hit or it "scrapes" them Energy Sword- 1 Hit Gravity Hammer-1 Hit(Locked On) 2(Close Range) I will find out statistics for others shortly. If you have any tips or tricks that could help you strategically, post them here please. Later I will update with statistics of every weapon, how much it takes to kill, if it matters if it is a headshot or not, etc.
Are you sure that in normal slayer you can have 3 body shots and 1 head shot with BR? I don't believe that would get you a kill.
It does. Think of it this way, your shields are all around you, so when you damage shields anywhere they affect other areas as well. It's one shield, but you have many organs.
Head shots kill faster with the BR. That is why with 4 head shots you get a kill, but you can't do that with body shots.
Yeah, but 3 body shots and a head is identical to 4 heads. The BR kills head faster when you don't have shields.
No need to, ive tested it MANY times, infact its how I get most of my "Four Shots". And also, yeah Im going to make some weapon specific tips also, just looking for some lol.
It's true about the 3 body shots to headshot theory. Tsquared even says so in his BR tips vid. I prefer to do go for all headshots though despite it being harder sometimes i just can't remember to get that 4th headshot if I'm going for bodyshots
If they are perfect and go straight into thier face it can be a 3 shoted kill. Sign in a another controller and try it. I do it to people who aren't playing all the time lol
I have a hint. Check out other control schemes in the game. Used to play default, but switched over to bumper jumper, and now I'm racking up kills much more easily. It's because I never have to take my thumb off the control stick in order to jump, or bash. It is extremely useful for me. However take note that it takes some getting used to.
scarfaced you have to much time on your hands. belive it or not, i actually know most of these. not neccesarily the exact ammount of bullets needed, but i know the 3 chest shot, 1 head shot br thing.
and another thing.. about the needler being 8 bullets.. it is actually as soon as seven get into the body, it will automatically explode...
Yes, but you cant shoot only 7 needles, can you? And to Y35, sorry wasn't aware, yours is most likely WAY better than mine.
This was helpful to me. I didn't know the pistol hit so hard. I knew some of the stuff though. Good guide, I hope you finish it soon.