Wow, great job! It looks like Sandheart Manor, but i don't clearify any game as, "taken from another." Looks origional, well crafted, and i have to say, i love seperate building for exploration. 5/5 =)
I can see why you guys would argue about people camping out but i dont rly see ppl leaving the awesome castle to go stand in some place in the dunes. Though this map is rly awesome i give it a 9/10
Could use more weapons, though I could do that myself. 5/5, and also just a suggestion, I really don't like the spawn killing of zombies here, so you could like edit your game-type a little and give zombies a 3-5 second invincibility trait..... Or not....
Hmmmmmm seems like someone is following in my footsteps =] O well the map looks nice- but remember- Sandheart was made w/o ghost merging and it took like 2 months to make so don't squander your talents- your good but don't get a big head in other words =P
very nice geomerging it looks smooth could you explain the gametype a little bit please honor rule that you cant go out ok can't do anything about that budget house looks creative i like it i will DL nad play ok (ugh got to get a party but will probally be worth it) keep up the good work