Created By: zTo SoXFaN25 This is an infection map made on rats nest. The only accessible parts of the map are the roadways. Your best(only) chance of survival is to hop into a warthog and drive off with a gunner. Or if your feeling lucky, take a speedy mongoose. This may seem like its the original map but when its played its completely different. I am currently playing this game so if you would like to join and play message me at my gamertag zTo SoXFaN25 Human Start Vehicle Set 1 Vehicle Set 2 Zombie Start Blocked Off Area (both sides) Start Download Map Download Gametype
It seems a little like convoy tunnel to me, and I liked that so I am assuming that this offers just as good of gameplay.
its similar to that but you can go either way and you just keep going and going till you die or 3 minutes
?_? how>? and map looks... like all other infection types... easy for humans to make a stand and RAPE the crap out of zombies
if you think about it, rats nest has corners and lots of pillars to hide behind. it is very rare that the humans win the round
couldn't the humans just camp at the spawn points and use the turrets to tear the zombies apart? thats just my opinion and i really hate it when i'm a zombie and it's impossible to win.
It'd be good if you gave Zombies plasma pistols (to deactivate the hog) and swords. Or maybe Spike 'nades and humans are more damage resistant.
i think he means like some more cover, the humans are driving around and the zombies are running out in the open, maybe add some shield doors to make the humans have to dodge more
Good idea. I like your map. I personally think you need to place some roadblocks for the humans to crash through to slow them down and make the warthog driving a little more epic.
It's actually really easy to kill the humans driving if you hide around a corner. Also, they're pretty much screwed if they crash into a wall or flip. And about the humans camping, it's a honor based thing, so just boot them if they camp
Interesting design, but seems like it kind of defeats the purpose of an infection map, seems like it could turn into a stalemate, or humans totally pwning with the hog.
Trust me. Ever since i made this map, the humans have never won. There has only been one time where they have survived past 2 minutes
Maybe place fusion coils randomly around the track for the driver to avoid? And having them spawn (in the air) every once in a while near the vehicle spawn could prevent camping.