i've been thinking of how to make a higher elevator....could you interlock a weapon holder on the sides of an elevaotr shaft, and then half a grav lift sticking out into the shaft, where the crate goes up and down, and have the crate go through the grav lift....is this possible? it would make for tremendously high elevators, and you could control the level you want to go on like all you gotta do on the way up is shoot a fusion coil next to the grav lift ur on...so what u do is put a grav lift right next to the "edge" of the reach of the previous lift... DONT RIP!!!
It would work if you did it a certain way. Grav lifts are movable objects so you can't interlock them. What you could do is put fence walls on the sides of the elivator and put grav lifts close to them on the other side of the fence. If done correctly it should push the crate up. That isthe only possable way I can think of. I hope this helped!
i know, but what i am asking is can a grav lift (not deployable) go through a crate, and can the crate continue past it, or will it be like a stopping point like a wep holder, or telleporter?
Seems plausible. or just have a deploying grav lift, and have a custom powerup holding down a crate with a "scenery" grav lift already under it...
you dont seem to understand what i am saying...i want to make it so that when i pik up the custom powerup at ground floor, that when i go up, it continues, and doesnt lose power......
Its been done before. I've only seen it done well on one map that i can remember, unfortunately I have no idea what it was called. It was round with four or five floors and two elevators. It was cool.
well ok then, but i dont know about it, so im not rippin, and i wanna make it myself...ive had my question answered, and YES grav lifts go through crates, so plz lock!
yo what are you talking about y35 did you make a map with one? can you show me it, cuz like im not goin on for the next month or so....
Ok here's how it goes. I have done teh closing door method with multiple grav lifts nd all that you need is to place the grvlift, the box will trvel through it.
If the grav lifts don't work couldn't you just interlock some mancannons into the walls to continue the pushing?
i know you've already solved your problem but i was thinking about making an elevator that u can even choose which floor to go to...i already know how it would work and ill post it if i get it done
i already made one (that was the point) its made of goatsnuts's elevator.....it goes to two floors, and you can always go back up to the top one too
i have already started a map that implimented this a long time ago. it would work, but the one problem i have is how do you stop people from just going up it as a human?
YOu first make your 2 story elevator shaft, put in the crate and have a brav lift on top of it, once deployed it will shoot you up one story, measure to see how high this goes and at the peak, Save a and quit a reciever node on the outside of the shaft pointing upwards at an angle, then place a grav lift with 10 sec respawn on it, this will allow the crate to travel up 2 stories without losing power, and after ten seconds the box will respawn at the bottom and you wont have to worry about the top grav lift.