High waters High waters is a big team battle (BTB) map on the island of forge world. This is my first ever completed slayer map. As I am really only known for Machinima themed maps. The map has gone through 3 different stages of development. ALPHA STAGE Alpha stage was the map in its early idea and concept. Most of what is seen in the completed map was build upon ALPHA. This stage was started months ago. I want to say around February. Then I got bored with the map and started on a new project. Accra the map series. (Which was a huge success) ALPHA STAGE footage below! YouTube - HighWaters- in early development‏ BETA STAGE As I was finishing up Accra part 3 I got back into Highwaters. I added more and more to the map and it started to finally become ready for a test. In its early beta test, weapons when dropped would just stop in mid air and float. After we had some lolz I realized why it happened. I had set all the weapons on fixed setting so they would stay in place when they spawned. The spawn system was setup by…um someone on my friends list. I really can’t recall who helped me set it up. COMPLETED STAGE Finally most of the bugs and kill barriers had been fixed. And the map design was perfected. Overall the gameplay is smooth but still has a few errors I’m sure. The map NEEDS 8v8 for the game to be full of action. Any less and the game could be pretty dull. Which the result is most likely because something wasn’t tweaked with. The Finished Map below! YouTube - A Halo Reach Map- Highwaters‏ I hope you like the map. I’m glad to have finally released a stable build of the map. And it feels good to have this map of my shoulder. So now I can focus more on what I will build next! Have fun and comment if you any problems or suggestions. They might be taken under consideration! Lol XD
wow this map is great. i love how you decided to work with this area, Cookiebubba and I are working in the same location. its gonna be hard to one up this map : ) keep up the good work
I am downloading it now. When I first read the name of the map I was thinking that it was going to be a base suspended high above the water with pillars or something. This looks very nice aesthetically speaking. I am looking forward to playing this one this weekend. Does it currently support any other games types like infection or Team Objective games?
This is a nice looking map, though, did I see dicsoing? If you haven't already, check the splitscreen. Anyways.. Ill download this and check it out, maybe play a game or 2 on it if I have chance, and the people.
This looks pritty nice And the music is okaj.. But i hate all people that use that mutch rocks that makes it look wrong Good jobb there!