High Walks This map features up to 8 floors and provides many awesome over looking sights. This is not exactly a map I designed for camping, but there are spots here that might look favorable to you for camping. Being that this map is a vertical style game, I had the humans spawn at the very bottom, and the zombies spawn and re-spawn at the top of the map in many spots at all times to ensure the top is a risk/reward factor. The top of the map is a safe and effective place, but with the zombies always spawning around the corner from you, you may not want to always consider climbing to the top expecting to dominate. Guns are placed though out the map. Humans start with magnums. This is a very large indoors maps, so 16 players would do fantastic. The frame rate is 0 and the pace of the game will be very fast. A strategy I might suggest for the humans is to stay mid way up and and down. staying in the middle provides some roof cover from endless zombies dropping in, and give you a slight height advantage for shooting down at zombies that happen to miss their landing zone to your position. This is certainly a jungle gym style map, so have fun with it! Zombie spawn. Side of the map where you can enter mid way up. Also around the mid way up area. Human spawn/ bottom. Overlook of bottom, mid and part of the top cat walks wrapped around a tree. Machine gun placement on the out skirts of the cat walks. About 2 floors away from the top. Over looking multiple floors. Bottom half of top over looking the natural area. More parts of the lower half of top. You will not survive this fall... Please of Please comment if you got something on you're mind. Would like to read it!
Hey I remember testing this a long time ago and I thought it was awesome. It's truly unique in concept and gameplay. It is damn near impossible to camp anywhere. You picked a different and strange location of Forge World to do this and it worked for what you wanted it to work for. I definitely recommend giving this a go. It's good to see you finally posted it. Also, did you ever resolve the framerate issues it used to have?
Looks fun to play, glad to see a refreshing map posted in the casuals. I'm a big fan of anything to do with catwalks, so this just great. I can see my heartrate speeding up trying to hold out on this map.