High Treason

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LEGION, Aug 29, 2008.


    LEGION Ancient
    Senior Member

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    D.L. High Treason HERE
    This is my ninth map and my first attempt at tottaly Asymmetrical map
    I have spent a lot of time designing, creating, testing, and recreating.
    I have put a lot of thought into every detail of this map, everything is placed as best as I
    possibly could.
    Due to the fact that the map is Asymmetrical I put a lot of time and thought into weapon
    placement and respawn times
    have fun
    Map is great up to 6v6

    full review
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    D.L. High Treason here
    This map has been brought 2 u by DIVISION 69
    check out my other great maps
    Barrier Tower 1
    Tele Horror
  2. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well let me start off by saying this map is beautifully interlocked, the structures are unique and the lay looks very nice. You have my download and I will give you a full report later so, keep on forging you has potential.
  3. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Looks good, I like the interlocking of this map,
    but there is no cover outside each base thing, when theres nothing inbetween, it looks like a infection map, just sayin if you make a V2
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    it looks like one of those maps by the looks is bad, but when you play it, it can be very fun (yes thats a compliment lol)
    it reminds me of a Arby n' Chief where the chief makes a 4 story level by taking the list and making a huge dump out of foundry. not saying your map is a dump....

    the bottom is a little open looking though, like a big walking space with staircases in places to get cover.
    not in everywhere, but in some places

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wtf... You don't know what your talking about. From the looks of it this map is awesome. The structures are the most unique pieces I have seen in a long time. I love how complex each building is. The gameplay looks interesting but questionable. I will have to try it out myself. But as far as originality this takes the cake.. the interlocking is beautiful and so unique. Awesome job, keep forging.
  6. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    Looks like a fun map. Well it actually looks like someone's bad attempt at making something in MS Paint, but looks fun. I'll download, and will probably get lost. XD
  7. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the defender's base looks very interesting, i've never seen a base forged like that before. keep forging, the odd structures you make are very cool
  8. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Floating of this map is very creative combined with the bases, the Interlocking is very well, and the layout looks just awesome.
    I might suggest making a few small bases in the open places, but further this map is very good.

    LEGION Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the comments

    most of my maps are symmetrical so on this map i went out and tried to create a map that was asymmetrical with no repeats in design

    some of my other maps have been called conjusted to say the least so i keept this in mind while creating this map and that is the reason some parts of the map might seem to be......"open"..... i understand that

    as far as getting lost....just like any map there will be a time of disoreantation but
    the map itself has its own flow and after a couple of game you will fall right into it

    i beleive this is my best map to date and i hope everyone enjoys it and if all else fails i had a great time making it

    as far as my pics i did the layout in adobe photoshop

    thanks again for the D.L. and i hope to here your comments after a couple of games

  10. LEGION

    LEGION Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys for the comments and the D.L. i hope u come back and let me know what u think after u play a few games
  11. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very interesting map, i love the basers and i think this map is orginal but it seems to keep the middle empty and not alot of cover and so camping seems a problem whitch you said yourself in the post
  12. TNF

    TNF Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is actually a really fun map to play on BUT, it is sloppy in some areas and could be nicer made. Your spawns function pretty good, the map idea is unique compared to other Foundry maps too. 4/5 good job.
  13. GrabThaTech420

    GrabThaTech420 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this map looks like a work of art. I really like your interlocking and how all of your structures look. Very nice job, keep up the good work. DL in progress
  14. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah this is what I've been lookin for! I have looked for an asymetrical map that my friends and I can have fun playin around on and this one made the cut! I appreciate your work and will be downloading soon! Thanks! Keep forging!
  15. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    For some reason, this map isn't getting as much attention as it really should. Just from the pictures I'm pretty excited to download the map. I just love the amount of original stuff you were able to fit in this map, like the structure in picture number 4, I just love it. The other base structures will provide some interesting gameplay and action. I really do think the borders around the pictures are distracting from the picture itself, so maybe in your next map post, perhaps not have the borders. I just love the overall feel of the map, very high quality stuff when you don't notice you are really on Foundry.

    Great map.
    headlessbarbie likes this.
  16. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    This map seems Very very well thought out and constructed, each piece fits together just like a puzzle, and the outcome is a crazy map with great interlocking.
    One thing i likes is the tilt of the map, and the unique surfaces and designs that you used, The pictures also added to this effect with the two in one picture.
    I would advise you show this around some more, If you keep producing maps like this i defiantly see a feature in your future. Theirs nothing bad at all that i can see.

    All you structures look crazy, i just looked over them again, and i like the crooked one in the corner, with the passage underneath made of Barriers, that's nice, and i also like how you made narrow walkways out of the left over doors.

    Nice job, and i cant wait to see your future maps.
  17. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Well I return bringing good news, after a quick local playtest and a good forge through, I found this map to be very good. The design of your structures is rather unique and it plays great also I noticed something. One of the boxes would glow red for a minute and then stop and then do it again next round,very odd was it on purpose or did it just happen. I disliked the way I was forced to travel between floors jumping on dumpsters isn't my thing. Just feel weird for me is all. Overall nice map, I am not a fan of giving ratings but I would say a 4.5/5.
  18. LEGION

    LEGION Ancient
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    I understand I need to work on balancing the open and cover areas a little better thanks

    ya I seem to be getting that comment a lot lol…….maybe if u specificlly tell me what area looks sloppy that would help me out or is it just an overall thing?....

    im glad I could help I hope u guys have a great time on it

    thanks for the suggestion on the pic boarders ill deff keep that in mind on my next post and also thanks for all the kind words

    wow thanks as far as the tilted section that was my fav section to create I was really excited and happy with the way it turned out

    ya the red box that was all a freak of nature just happened and I couldent tell u how lol......4.5/5.....ill take it =}

    thanks for all the kind words, suggestions, and D.L.

  19. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    wtf! i coulda sworn i posted a comment here yesterday, anyways i played it today and it blew me outta my mind. true a bit sloppy but doesnt really affect gameplay. this is definitly one of my favorites.
  20. LEGION

    LEGION Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks im glad u like it what did u think about the placment for the camo
    and the resawm time for the grav lift to not spawn at start

    any feed back

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