High Tide

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Th3Endl3ss, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Th3Endl3ss

    Th3Endl3ss Forerunner

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    Description: This map has 2 main "height" levels. The upper ridge and the beach. This map has three teleporters (one can be sealed off to prevent easy escape) Blue base is moderately smaller than the red base making this map good for 1CTF. It can also easily support Multi flag due to the blues Gauss hog making up the lack of base. This map also supports TS. The "cover" out in the water provides 2 things. A sense of "out of bounds" and....it also looks like wave barriers :)


    DMR x 8
    Needler x 1
    Needle Rifle x 3
    Plasma Repeater x 2
    Magnum x 4
    Grenade Launcher x1
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Sniper Rifle x 2
    Shotgun x 1
    Concussion Rifle x 1
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Frags x 8
    plasmas x 8
    Assault Rifle x 3
    Stationary guns x 2
    Health packs x 5

    The Bridge(blue teleporter at covered end)

    Upper Ridge(Tele leads to Red bases cat walk)

    Blue Base....flooding

    Red base cat walk...tele or stone steps...hmmmm

    Overview of blue base

    Easy way up to the ridge/ red bases main teleport exit(which is blocked at the start of the game)

    Blue bases tele exit

    Another angle of the ridge.....fusion cores on roof to prevent excessive campers
    #1 Th3Endl3ss, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2010
  2. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    Not a bad map but a few things...
    Did you include a safe zone so people can't stray away from the map?
    Looks a little bit too open, try adding some more cover or bases.
    There is nothing wrong with simplicity but if you are going for a simple design make sure it plays well and has some good aesthetics.
  3. Th3Endl3ss

    Th3Endl3ss Forerunner

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    Yeah man my bad. Ive made my share of complex maps trust me. So this time i tried to "go back to the roots" you could say. There are plenty off safe/kill zones. I literally spent 4 hours with a jet pack on looking for ways out. I know the pics arnt the best, but it plays pretty awesome and i think people will find the lack of metal structer a pleasant surprise.
  4. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    I'm not going to lie, this is the first beach map I've seen that actually looks like it plays well. You did a good job.
    I just did a run through real fast, I'm about to hit the sack in a few minutes. But from what I can tell, it looks balanced and well designed.
  5. Th3Endl3ss

    Th3Endl3ss Forerunner

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    Thanks a lot for the Dl man! My favorite part by far is the blockable teleporter in red base. It was a last minute impulse add, but it adds more suspense when you play CTF. Im going to add more pics later tonight and maybe tweak a few minor things. IL post up a 2.1 version soon. Again TY for the feedback!

    Thanks a lot for the Dl man! My favorite part by far is the blockable teleporter in red base. It was a last minute impulse add, but it adds more suspense when you play CTF. Im going to add more pics later tonight and maybe tweak a few minor things. IL post up a 2.1 version soon. Again TY for the feedback!

    Edited by merge:

    Hey just to let you know, i updated the map to 2.1 late last night. I believe your the only who DL'd it so far, so im just letting you know. I fixed a few minor details(mainly fixed the teleporter in red base.(now you have to blow it "free" to open the tele) TY again for the DL
    #5 Th3Endl3ss, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  6. Big C

    Big C Forerunner

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    Wow man, this is the map i was looking for! i just joined up so im a newwwwbb but this looks so cool! Ive been waiting to play a map in this location and here it is. I like how you used more of the surroundings instead of materials. this map looks very well put together and seems very balanced. I really like the walkway on the side of the red base. All in all this is a good map.
  7. Th3Endl3ss

    Th3Endl3ss Forerunner

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    Thanks a lot! Did you get to Dl it yet? If so do you have any feedback on the game play itself? i would like to get more opinions before i get it professional tested on this site. Let me know positive or negative.
  8. Big C

    Big C Forerunner

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    I finally got to download this at my friends house and play test it with him, i like how it doesn't feel too cluttered like a lot of the maps on here. It reminds me of the silent cartographer level from halo one, when you have to storm the beach and fight up onto the island. There were a lot of DMRs on the map though, which makes sense i guess cause they work pretty well on a map like this, but you might want to cut down to 6. Other than that though, this is a really sick map. next time i hang out with my friend again we're gonna play with some other people on this map, i'll let you know how things go. Great job again dude.
  9. Th3Endl3ss

    Th3Endl3ss Forerunner

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    Thanks for the Feedback Big C. Actually i was debating on dropping the DMR's down to 6 while i was making the 2.1 version....but i forgot in the end. do you have any ideas about what should go in thier place? Also any comments on weap spawn time/locations?
    Thanks again!

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