Pick a fight with the biggest baddest kid and kick his ass. Preferably a football player..that'll get you some rep.
If an upperclassmen does say something to you, don't ***** out. If you stand up to them you'll earn a lot of respect.
LMAO. This year I was a Freshie but we have a Freshmen campus at our school. They're building a new High School though so next year I will be attending that as a sophomore. Next year, it's only sophomores and freshmen, year after that it's juniors sophomores and freshmen. So I will always be the oldest class and the first graduating class. I super lucked out in some ways, but it kind of sucks too.
no matter how much someone asks you to, don't smoke. girls don't like it and you'll be slowly killing yourself and making yourself worse at Sports. If you're good at something and there's a club for it, join it. in my experiance joining a drama or music (particualrly drumming/guitar) club can really help you to fit in and earn you respect very quickly. Don't run to lessons, if you're late, you're late, and that's it. unless you have a very mean teacher you should get away fine. one thing i would say is that being late to lessons to do something nice for someone is allways better than being early. try not to be a goit and annoy people. don't act tough, unless you're sticking up for yourself or someone else. be helpful even if you don't like someone, but don't annoy people by trying to do everything for them. be yourself. if people don't like you they can go die in a hole. try to get a good amount of friends within your first few months. make sure you're friends with (but not neccesarily "involved with") girls too. you wouldn't believe how important this is. that's not to say you have to ask every girl you see for her email adress, but if you do manage to start a conversation, make sure you talk again. next time you see her, ask her about something like homework an drop in "by the way, what's your email adress" before you go. this works for getting to be friends with guys as well. also as a side note don't be friends with someone just because they're popular unless you genuinley want to be friends. don't get yourself into huge trouble, do your best, and like someone else said, don't make a fool of yourself. oh and one final thing, unless you have mad comedy skillz (like me at school), don't try to be the class clown. just cos someone like me can pull off a joke that gets everyone (including the teacher) laughing for a few minutes and stalls whatever is going on, doesn't mean they'll react the same way to you. oh almost forgot, good on you for avoiding drugs. the addicts at my school are all retards, don't be one of them.
Teapot i can also get my teachers to laugh sometimes which really save you and makes your teachers love you and you get away from classwork for about 3-6 minutes so that makes more people in you class like you so your set.
Yeah dont smoke girls dont like it I was talkin to this one girl aand she asked if i smoke i said yes but i really dont just to see what she would say and she said that it was a major turnoff. And if you do smoke dont brag or talk about because it makes you sound like a loser and look like a douchebag.
Im going to clear which drugs are socially acceptable, and which one just gets the frowns with downs. Weed - Good Ecstasy - Bad Coke - Depends (I would try it, but its not something I would do regularly) Crack - Bad!!! This **** is straight up GRIMEY. Xanax - No! Oxy - No! Brew - Good! And the whole if you smoke youll become bad at sports thing is a complete mask over. I'm doing fine in sports and I work out just the same and I smoke weed all the time. Just try it once and GET HIGH before you cast judgment. That's like a really good rule of thumb, try it before casting judgment on it.
I just hate when people talk about weed in class. Its usually the same couple individuals that talkabout it and when they do my class laughs at them not because they are funny but because they sound stupid. Idk i dont spend my money on weed. If i wanna smoke ill just pick some grass and smoke it for free.
Heroin is GREAT. Some Australian cities (such as Sydney) have even instituted legal heroin supervised injecting centers. There are also a few other countries that allow heroin use through regulated prescriptions. Heroin has a notorious reputation, but is essentially morphine, quicker acting and slightly more potent. A belief in its overwhelming ability to addict anyone who tries it is one of the main justifications for heroin's continuing prohibition. The truth is that true physical dependence on heroin demonstrated by genuine physical withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation of consumption is not acquired any faster than with continuous use of any other opiate, normally between three to six weeks in an opiate naive person.
Highschool really isnt that big of a deal, it's just like any other year of school. Everyone is always like "Oh boy you got high school next year aren't you excited." well to be honest with you its just the same thing as middle sxhool. Except there are four grades in highschool and not three like in middle school. You really got nothing to worry about. You'll do fine.