I posted the first version of my Hang 'em High remake here last week. Here's an updated version. Many areas have undergone minor tweaking and smoothing, while there was a major change to blue base. It now sticks out much less. So now the main ramp looks in line with everything else on the map. Let me know what you think. Thanks. Download it here: High Noon Thanks again.
cool, a remake, i remember seeing this in the bring back halo maps contest, it looks really great, a good remake 4.5/5 will dl
To tell you the truth, I forgot what most halo 2 and halo ce maps look like so I'll have to do comparisons later lol. This looks really good though I'll be sure to download this later when I get the chance. for now 5/5
Saw this on HBO too, glad to see you got version 2 up here. I'll probably tweak the weapons and equipment a little bit for my own purposes but it seems pretty faithful. Maybe I'll try converting it to Tombstone. You know. No more death ramp and a couple extra places to move. Looks like fun!
my only concern is you fixed the ramp on red base, in v1 there was a pretty big bump that you had to jump over if u stopped short then had to run again, but good remake all in all.
yeah, I didn't notice that one until after I released version 1. It's fixed now, no worries. on another subject, I'm looking for people to help me test the map. The testing will most likely occur on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. If you're interested, reply to this thread with your gamertag or send a message to my GT (Decadence Night). Thank you.