The pictures of halls looked cooler, so I mostly used those. Rest assured, hallways compose only about a third of this map. But it's the coolest third. Just thought I'd throw that in there.
This map looks great from the screens. I love close quarters, and this doesn't dissapoint. Th interlocking looks neat, and the equipment placment is nice (as in, they are upright). Quuueeed
Thanks guys! If you can, please comment on the thread. You all know how hard it is to get stuff noticed there. I appreciate your taking the time to comment on this thread!
Thanks! If there's one good thing about mild OCD, it'd be the clean merges that result. At least I think that's a good thing. You wouldn't believe it, but I spent over 4 hours total on the top section near the elevator, getting the elevator shaft lined up perfectly, as well as merging those double boxes that compose the floor. But it turned out bumpless, which is what I intended!
The map's name is supposed to sound like a fancy building's name. I picked it because it sounded hotel-ish, as well as the fact that you're safer up high, so the high places are a safe haven. I honestly think you're the first person to ever ask that! +50 Cool Points to you.
Happy face! This whole map took about a month and a half for me to fully complete the build/test/tweak cycle, so I'm glad you think it looks awesome. Overall, I'd say I worked 50 hours or so on it total. I love seeing hard work pay off! The thing has over 1250 DLs in its first two weeks! And at least half of the DLs are due to you guys here at ForgeHub. Thanks a ton! I'm going to post all of my future maps here, so stay tuned.
Thanks! I tried to make it as professional-looking as possible. Unclean maps bug me. Anyway, I would appreciate it if everyone that reads this post checks out the "Project Revamp" thread in my sig. I am remaking my very first map (not High Haven, one waaaay before that), and I need lots of help with improvement ideas and such. Please read the thread for more details, and note that the map that the thread links to is a very old one (pre-interlock/money glitch/submerging era).
1 Rocket Launcher (0 spare clips, 90 second respawn) 1 Sword (runtime max = 1, 120 second respawn) /quote 90 second respawn on rocket is a little too soon 0 spare clips or not, and the 120 sword sec is also a little too soon for how close quarters this map appears to be. Set them both to 180 and there won't be too much weapon whoring. Anyways, i really like the layout of the map, like the whole "Staircases alone are boring. Thus, there is another way up. A series of platforms extending from the walls lead to this shielded entry point." made me laugh a little... 4/5 good job
The reason I set them to spawn rather quickly was due to the short round time of gametypes like One Bomb and One Flag, whose default round times are set to three minutes. Since the Defense base is so easily defended, I decided to give Defense access to one Sword at start, and one near the end of the round (with a minute to go), and give Offense Rockets at the start and midway through the round. 180 second spawns didn't give one-sided gametypes any "WTF just happened?" moments, so I set them shorter so there could be more chaos. Thanks for the detailed comment! And I still stand by the fact that staircases are boring. Also, thanks for the feedback guys; it's appreciated more than you'd know.
Hows your next map coming? I saw the pics, but I'm confused: is Project Revmp or the Blackout map your next map?