Welcome to High Dive a Mini-Game map made by XxK1LLR0YxX There are no current premade gametypes for this map because It is just mostly to have fun and mess around. Start on the middle level and go up to go down. hehe. Climb the ramps to your highest point and dive into the waiting wonders in the hole below: When you make it down below you have some choices of the fun you'll have, like playing mini-golf: Or maybe you have that ravage side to yourself and you just like to watch stuff blow up and fly across the room, WE HAVE THAT TOO. Just pick up some plasma and release your fury. Or challange your friends and see who has the fastest draw, pick up a battle rifle and see who can be the first one to destroy the grav lift, dont worry you will know if you win. Also test your precision and try shooting the golfball with your battlerifle to make it fly across the room and blow up the fusion coild, or should I say Fusefun coils: When you are finished enjoying yourself, feel free to pick a prize from the top shelf. Dont forget to come back soon! Halo 3: File Details P.S. I spent about 6 hours on this map and It is my first mini-game map. So any helpful and non insulting comments/ ideas would be great
Well, first off I do like how this map is free-form, pick your own activity. It's creative and relaxed in that sense, and I like that. Reminds me sort of a carnival/rec center kind of place. Things to improve: You might consider renaming this map, since there is more than just the high dive starting off. Maybe if there's room, you could make a couple more activities down there, or maybe even above ground like placing teleporters around the hole so you have to be very precise with your fall or else it puts you back up to the dive spot. Just a little idea there. All in all good work, I'll try these games out they look fun for passing time! I rated 3/5
Is there a specific aim to this? Like, are players competing against each other or is it just some sort of free roaming romp? Perhaps you may wish to expand onto the top level with something up there. Impress me.
Yeah, I might work on it some more today, the reason I dont make mini-games is because I have a dreadful hard time thinking up games. I mean seriously I know what I want to do but I can never figure it out. But yeah I will try and add more games later today. I still wish you could turn off the kill barrier for the sky bubble it woulda been awesome to make the jump start up there. Then teh target would be tiny
V2 is now a WIP. I am adding a few new mini games (I got new ideas) and To those people who said I should add more to the upper level. I am. What kind of things would you like to see on the upper level?