High Altitude Description High Altitude follows no theme my XBL waws down so I made ths and kept adding things to make it better. It is for gameplay and supports Slayer, Oddball and Koth with more games to come. Weapons 1 Spartan laser 1 sniper 1 Shotgun 1 needler About 4 Battle rifles 2 Carbines 1 regenerator 1 power drain 8 Plasma Grenades 2 Mongooses 1 ghost 1 sword Pictures Base 1 of 3 and splazer spawn 1st view Base 2 and sweet Ghost spawn Overshield tower and needler spawn (overshield can be acsessed from needler spawnn) Sniper structer with geomerged lift Base 3 with shotgun and mongoose (splazer 2nd view) Base 3 with shotgun spawn Super Awesome ghost spawn Mongoose 2 and geomerged lift needler spawn view 2 acsessed by geomerged lift DOWNLOAD HIGH ALTITUDE Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details ENJOY!
Looks very sloppy with some pretty big bumps and the way it is so open seems like it cant be very helpful to the gameplay
I don't like the weapon placement at all, too many power weapons and things like the needler next to the overshield (*shudders*). The map looks good though with a couple of sloppy aesthetics but overall... change some weapons and fix up a few aesthetics and you'll have yourself a pretty good map. 3.5/5
Actuly I like you said that b/c I knew there were to many power weapons so I tried to even it out. Like the Over shield and needled is complemented by the shotgun and powerdrain and the BR splazer is complemented by the carbine and ghost.
you guys are being way to critical. I think that the creativity, interlocking, geomerging, and overall map layout is awsome. There might be to many powerweapons but that can always be changed. I really like how you made the map, but it is a tiny bit open even with the ghost. I dont understand why the other guys are saying this map is put together sloppy I think its really good, and that it deserves more credit and 5 stars. good job 5/5
Thanks I know I have to and I will change the weapon layout. V3 will be here soon! (v1 wasn't published)
This map is really inconsistent in forging. You have some amazing stuff like the grav lift under the map and some nice geometry but then there is this ugly wall looking thing with a bump sticking out. I especially like your use of shield doors though. This is a decent attempt at a ghost map, but try to plan better.