Some hiding spots by TwoGirlzOne BK and HLG after A.U.2 enjoy.
Ok? I dont get what HLG is trying to accomplish with their hundreds of threads on Bnet asking "HAI GUYS DOES YOU LIEK ME!?" IMO they are annoying with their same excuses and should just stfu and hide like they usually do and not make a gigantic deal about it. IDC if they hide they pay good money for the 360 and I can just find them because they are dumb enough to post them all on youtube. And I'm sure thats what bungie spent MONTHS making the game for, hiding.
ZOMG!!! 1.whats threads saying "HAI GUYS DOES YOU LIEK ME!?" 2.You go on forum 3. For your hatred towards hlg did they beat you in a game by hiding
1. "Do you like HLG!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" 2. Sadly I do sometimes 3. No I haven't encountered any because i play the game for fun in social or customs mostly even though i got a birdie.