So, yeah, I'm new. Get to know me. Thats pretty much it. jk, thats a crappy way of selling myself! so i made my account around the beginning of December and i just want to say whats up to all those peeps out there in FH community. so, whats up.
wassup boxers remember me from the shoutbox? remember I EAT MY CHROMOSOMES anyway welcome to FH and enjoy the community
Welcome to Forgehub. Like I say to all of the newcomers, have a warm, pleasurable stay (I don't mean that in a sick way) and I hope to here from you again sometime.
look at his avatar and tell me that he dosent mean pleasurible stay in a sick way anyway as i forgot to say in my first post i hope you post maps unlike my ive made 113 posts and no maps (my xbox is being repaired)
yes dude, i remember you, but that was kinda uncalled for, dontcha think? but yea, i hope to post up a couple maps a soon as im finished with them or spiff them up so they are at the least refined enough to be considered FH material. ive got like 2 maps halfway through cause i dont know how to geomerge , and like 3 concepts in my head that cant be forged until i have the time, patience, or knowledge of forging.
to be honest i DO think he looks the evil santa counterpart, but also, slightly, mebbe, a pedophile too. Lol