Where do I start? My name is Russ, I am from Memphis, TN and I have a rather large family. 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Fun eh? I love to hang out with my Girlfriend, Brynn. I also like playing Halo, forging, Football, and just chilling with my friends. I am a gamer. Have been since I can remember. I am 18 years old and I go to the University of Memphis. I am a moderator over at HighImpactHalo.org and have been so for 2 years or so. Maybe longer. I am a really friendly guy. I LOVE The Office and this writers strike is killing me! I guess that's it. So hi.
Haha, no it isn't. That is Jim off of The Office when he dressed up like Dwight. One of my favorite episodes. Video It is hillarious if you've ever watched the show.
Yeah, I remember you from HIH. If I'm remember correctly you were the guy who figured out that the troop hog on the pit boardable. I've only been a member of this site for one day but I'll say it anyways. Welcome.