yooo wassup Gs >o you might know me because i made the concert stage in asthetic maps so yeah. hi now i will take this opportunity to ***** my myspace P www.myspace.com/kunoichifu!ck <-- delete the ! mark or just go into my profile and go to my website -o-
Cool. Concert was a cool map. Don't have it on my 360 anymore though. Which reminds me, I still haven't made an introduction. At 250 posts
hi and welcome to forgehub! please take a moment to read the rules in the anouncements area. oh btw i love your name. EDIT:i sent you a friend request on myspace just cuz i like your name.
Yay! Asians Unite! Yeah, I forgot to add this before. Oh wells. Send me a FR if you wants. Oh yeah, and you Kayaman: can you send me a FR? I'm a bit busy, but a want to show you something real quick later.
Hey.........Asian girls make my tatto grow. (If you do not no what that means go to 4:40 in the video here is link- [youtube]1iMd8Pm-2EE[/youtube] Sorry I dont know how to make links- sadface Edit: URLs will autolink, please read the BBCode guidelines here. or you can embed YouTube with the [Youtube] Tag -Klink [penguinish] Lol klink you should of embeded it for him, so i embeded the video for you. - Penguinish[/penguinish]