not much. i dontthink we know eachother enough to kiss. . do you wanna edit this maybe and tell us a bit about yourself? you dont have to but id like to see. anyway all you need to know is tomake sure you read all of the rules b4 you post anythingat al. if you dont you may mess up and get flamed.. if you have any trouble finding anything orjust need some help hit me up with a message and ill be sure to do my best to help. thank you for becoming part of our community. and welcome :-D
I R KISS U FIRST!!! No welcome to forgehub. Remember to read the rules and map posting rules too. Also, cool people always press the second link in my sig and private message me then.
kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community my gamer tag's are br0wniekilly0u (o's are zeros) BROWNIEkillYOU