Hi Forgehub. My name is R3im1nAtoR. I chose it because it is my gamertag, and everyone at school calls me it. My last name is Reimann, and that is how I got the name R3im1nAtoR. I joined Forgehub because I wish to get quite good at the forge. I have been lurking the site for about 2 months, and I finally decided what the hell, I'll give it a go. I am not exactly a noob to the forge, as I know how to interlock and geomerge properly, and it was thanks to your site which helped me to learn. Yet I still have some difficulties, like making geomerged ramps for boxes, etc. My favourite games are Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4. I love the movie Hot Fuzz and love the bands Green Day, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance. I am 15 years old and I live in Australia. Currently in high school. =( I hope to have a fantastic time at Forgehub and I really hope that with the support of everyone I can improve my forging skills. So, for now, thank you, and bye! R3im1nAtoR
Wow. People in your school actually call you R3im1nAtoR. That's sick man. You sound like a cool guy, let me be the first to welcome you here. I'm really eager to see what you have in store for us. Don't forget to read the rules located HERE. Trust me, those are very important especially with spam because Forge Hub is quite strict with this. Enjoy! XD
So... They call you R-3-im-1-n-Ator Is everyone on your school on Crack or something... Gosh... Make sure to visit off-topic>World War Four Because Australia seems to be immortal in that game. Have a good time in Forgehub. Rthreeimonenator.
sup, welcome to foreghub. sweet that your freinds call you R3im1nAtoR. mt freinds somtimes call me Mav. but thats about it.....