My name is TheGodOfWar91, and i joined here about 2 days ago. I love making maps, but i prefer to have help on them. I have created a couple of maps by myself, and with other people, and i hope that i can post them here in the near future. I just have a quick question. I was looking at the forums the other day and someone said something about "forgehub rules and guidelines for posting maps" and was hoping anyone could clear that up for me. thanks.
welcome to forgehub god of war. i see you like making maps and probably have some good ones but check out forging 101 to learn new forge tricks. also to answer your question there is a forum in the map section that lists rules and guide lines on posting your map. things such as embedding your pictures and having a description. if your post is not up to standards then your post will be locked . i suggest you look at the actual forum sticky to find out more. hope to see you around
Well since wii60 owner already awnsered your question welcome to forgehub i cant wait to see new maps around.I suggest to just talk in the shoutbox and reply on maps for a while to get known.If your bored sometime you can check out my maps.