Hi i am camel assassyn and this site is so sweet i have leand many many thing about forging things i didnt know.I have been registerd for one day so im new at this posting and polling stuff.hope i dont make eny one mad if i do im sorry. hope to make new friends BY :squirrel_chatting:
Hey camel, welcome to the site. By the way, I got a kick out of your name. I'm picturing a camel dressed all in black, trying to sneak around the desert with his samurai sword, doing flips and stuff.
HI! I like your name... great Furious! Now I'm picturing that, too. :shiver: Lol. Joking aside, Welcome to ForgeHUb! I think you will love it! Also, you seem really nice. A few bits of advice: Read the stickies. Don't forget the screenshots on a map! Learn the bbc code, it really helps. Have a nice day! And remember, keep your seatbelt securely fastened and your arms and legs inside the awesomeness that is ForgeHub at all times.