Map: Morbias Map Gametype: Hulk's House of Frag: Deathmatch / Scattershot & Rocket Arena This map is a remake for arena style gameplay and is not designed to try and make it into matchmaking. I made the remake specifically for my community HHF. If you're interested in playing some games on this with the quake style gametype you can sign up here. Spoiler
looks pretty nice. The center room in particular looks perfect for alot of action, however don't over use the 4 way TV screen. I saw it used on your mech bay map. Other than that it's great!
I like the use of jersey barriers and dominion objects. It helps break up the monotony of H4 forging. I also like the light coming in. Most of these maps coming out are way too dark. I don't know anything about Unreal Tournament, but this map looks like a lot of fun. Definitely going to DL this one and try it out.
I'm all about this map. Being in my 30's I hail from much more of the 'arena shooter' mentality. I hear a lot of folks talk about lack of cover in [x] or [y] map, but to me that's part of the fun. I also love the tight gameplay with these types of maps.
I'm about to get some games on this map with a fair size party in 15 mins if you're interested, hit me up with an Friend request.
Nice Map and Gametype, I liked the way you use the Weapons Support and the overall colors, the big televisors in the middle of the map are pretty awesome with the use of shields too. Keep the Good work.
yea, I like thos television screens too... wink wink are you going to do these matches on THursdays every week or perhaps other times? Sounds like fun and I know that the other map I played definitely was.
Nice... Unreal Tournament remakes and Quake... kickin' ass. Looking forward to seeing it. I love the TV screens also, every little detail for aesthetics is great and these look great. [br][/br]Edited by merge: So what though? If something looks awesome, who cares if it's on multiple maps. You shouldn't limit what to do in Forge at all, because it's already limited to an extreme amount when compared to real map editors for PC such as Q3Radiant or Unreal Editor III. You can only do so much with Forge. So if it looks great...use it. I'd rather see nice looking TV screen aesthetics in an area than something there that doesn't look as good, or nothing at all... All because it's in another map or two, this map shouldn't suffer an aesthetic piece. It looks like in the original map there was nothing there at all (Unreal Tournament III). Just a hole in the ceiling. Looks fine with the TV screens. You forget all we got is these white forge pieces so you gotta add something for flavor.