Hey guys, I was a former member of FH and some of you may remember me as x0UTRAG3x (whose account I have forgotten everything for except that it is called that.) Anyways, I'm looking forward to being a part of this awesome community again. I play Halo 3 every now and then but most of my time is spent on Far Cry 2, where I am also an avid mapmaker (I just don't have any ideas =P). Hit me up on XBL, my gamertag is SVD Zero. Thanks for reading! SVD
Hey man! Good to see an old member remmbering FH! As you probs know there is a whole thread for Far Cry 2 discussion and places where you can post stuff there. You shoud make some maps on Halo 3 aswell! Cya around!
Welcome, sir. The name does ring a bell, I just can't remember any specifics Anyway, check on the rules and new stuff that's been done...things are a little different but we're essentially the same ForgeHub we always have been. Enjoy.
I helped test Fave Creaks or whatever it's called before you released to the public. I was the new guy in the party and everyone knew everyone except me. That's probably why you remember me.